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-It's not my fault, but yours... No! I mean... It's not your fault, but mine... In short... A man faces his weaknesses and... It can happen in life that a man and a woman... Or even a man and a man... Not that I've been with a man. But no, I'm not homophobic. I mean that... In short... We are young! Do you really think your father was always faithful to your mother... No! Not her father...

The girl in front of him looked at him with her arms crossed over her chest and her brows furrowed. -You must be really good in bed, otherwise I can't understand how she's still with you.

-Tzuyu! How would you say it? It's a delicate subject.

Tzuyu shrugged. -It is not my problem. You have five days. See you this evening?

-Oh man... The party!

-What an apprehensive boyfriend... Even Jeongyeon remembered it. You bought her a present, I hope.

-I did this... Only I forgot that we would all celebrate midnight together. No, I mean... I forgot it's twenty-one today.

-All right, Romeo. See you this evening.


-Dahyun! My dress!

-It'shere, Nayeon.

- Well... Perfect. Momo! What time will the cake arrive?

-At eight o'clock.

-The drinks?

-Everything is ready. Jihyo has it all, even the food.

-Check the guest list.

-Tzuyu, Minhyuk, Sana... Who is Sana?- asked Dahyun.

-My cousin. Go ahead.

-Me and Momo, Jeongyeon—

-Jeongyeon!? It must have been my mother... It doesn't matter. She won't come... Or maybe she'll just come for free drinks. What time is it?

-Six o'clock.

-It's time to get ready.

-No! I didn't get her the gift... I'm a terrible boyfriend.

-Give her a night of passion.- Jeongyeon said in complete tranquility.

-Do you think she will appreciate it?

-Tell her that you'll give her the real gift tomorrow. Tomorrow you will go to the jewelry store and get her a ring.

-You are a genius.

-That's why I manage eleven hotels.

-Will you come tonight?

Jeongyeon shrugged. -What am should be coming for? I'm not welcome. It was Jieun who invited me and I hate the day your girlfriend was born, I would not come to celebrate but to regret that Jieun and her ex didn't use the proper protections.



-Oh Nayeon! You're beautiful! - Mina, the only employee she found worthy of her title, told her.

-Thank you, Mina. You are fine too.

That evening there were few people, mostly girls. The one guy who had been invited hadn't shown up yet.

-Where is that moron!?- Nayeon asked Tzuyu.

-He must have been late. He's preparing a surprise for you...

-How can he be late if he's the birthday girl's boyfriend?

-Calm down, it's only five past nine. It's three hours to midnight.

-Two hours and fifty-five.- Momo corrected her.

-Has anyone asked you? And since when are you so intelligent?- Momo walked away, leaving the two friends alone. -Give him time and he'll show up with his idiot smile.

-Nayeon!- Mina called her.



It was fifteen to midnight and there was still no sign of Minhyuk.

-A letter for Miss Im.- the porter said leaving the envelope in Tzuyu's hand.

-It must be Minhyuk who went to visit my father in Mexico.- the Latina commented.

Dahyun took the letter and brought it to Nayeon, who was talking to Sana and Mina. The girl read it and then walked away from the girls, going towards Tzuyu. She let her read the note that said "I'll wait for you in your room".

-Go, it can't last more than ten minutes. Indeed, in ten minutes you do it at least three times.

Nayeon rolled her eyes but smiled, she knew Tzuyu would cover her. She quickly climbed the stairs and entered her room, turning on the light. She saw no one except an unlit candle on the bedside table. The light was turned off and she heard footsteps behind her. Strong arms embraced her from behind.

-I thought you wouldn't come...- The boy put his lips on Nayeon's neck and started to bite and suck her. The girl closed her eyes and pulled her skirt tighter. -I feel you... So hard... We have less than half an hour before midnight...

The boy turned her towards him and brought his lips to Nayeon's. He approached and did not touch them for a few millimetres. -You're not that much in love with your boyfriend if you can't tell me apart from him.

Nayeon's eyes widened and she immediately pulled her away from her. -What's on your mind!?

-I'm still a boy, aren't I? You said it yourself. Us boys get carried away by instincts.

-I should report you for sexual harassment.

-You should thank me. It's thanks to me that Minhyuk will show up here at midnight and buy you a ring tomorrow.


-With pleasure.- Jeongyeon turned away. -Ah. One last thing. Your boyfriend, who is guided by instincts, just like all of us males, has gone to bed with another woman.- The church bells that indicated midnight began to ring. -Happy birthday, Nayeon.

a chapter full of emotions

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