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-Ah... I have to calm down... And to make matters worse my mother suddenly has money coming out of all her pores. You know something about this?

-She told you, didn't she? It was a mistake.

-She has never gone to the hairdresser every day! And then she always has new clothes, new jewelry and she comes back late for a week now. Who is her partner?

Jeongyeon knew full well who the man was. She had caught Jieun with her partner and had given her the third degree to know all the information. She had told her that she would keep the secret until someone asked.

-Well... That's why I should tie you up to prevent you from destroying the house.

-Why? What is he? A mafioso?

-No, it's a long story. Why don't you sit down? Maybe I can tell Tzuyu to come back and-

-Jeongyeon who is he? A criminal? A thief?- she asked her seriously, looking straight into her eyes.

Jeongyeon sighed. -He's her ex-lover.- The girl remained motionless staring at her. -When you were little, your mother had a lover. Your father found out and she was forced to leave him. Now she called him to pay off debts and I think they are together.

Nayeon grabbed the chair next to her and sat on top of her. Her eyes were foggy, her brain was racking. She couldn't believe ahe had just discovered that her mother had betrayed her father, the man who had loved her most.

-It's really true that love kills. Dad was sick and she preferred to abandon him and be with someone else who was healthy.

-But then she regretted it-

-Don't even try, Jeongyeon. My mother is... She cheated on my father, she hit on you, who knows what else she did. And now she's back with that man. Maybe she never loved my father.

-Nayeon, remember that your father and mother came from rich families. Remember that your mother was forced to marry young. She told me that she met Joseph after him, and if she had met him before, she would never have married your father.

-They never loved each other, right? All the stories they told... They were just a cover. And she expects me to end up like her? That I marry a rich man just for my reputation? And you too! You who helped her so much. You who sabotaged my relationship with D.O., made James run away, planned everything for Dylan... You are exactly like my mother.

-I'm not like her.

-So... What am I? Do I represent for my mother only the fruit of an unhappy love?- she asked with tears in her eyes.

-Do not say that. Your mother loves you. Who your father is doesn't matter to her.

-But for me it does!- she screamed sobbing.

Jeongyeon didn't know how to console a crying person. She had never received love, she didn't know how to give it.

The front door flew open and Tzuyu arrived just to see her friend crying. -What did you do to her!?

Jeongyeon sighed. -Bye.- she said and then took the keys and left the house.

-What did she do to you?- she ​​asked going towards her friend.


-Oh... So it wasn't Jeongyeon. I took it out on her unfairly.

-Yes... I wasn't nice to her either.

-Now I feel sorry. My sister is like this...- The Latina sighed. She didn't know what to call her sister. Sensitive? She didn't seem like it, yet somehow she was.

-What should I do? I don't want to see her.

-You can stay here as long as you want.


-Of course. You can stay in what used to be my mother's room. Now I don't think she'll ever come back.

-Thank you Tzu.

-Forget about it. You introduced me to Sana, I owe you a favor.

-What's Jieun's problem?- Minhyuk asked. -And you... Why did you tell her?

-She deserved to know. Do you want her to live a lie like me with my father? She had to know the whole truth. That Jieun never loved her father, that she loved that man.

-But now she thinks she's a burden to Jieun.

-Tzuyu must have convinced her otherwise.

-I'll go to her.

-I accompany you.


Nayeon had fallen asleep in Minhyuk's arms. She had cried all night. The boy had put a sheet over her and went into his room. It was three in the morning and silence reigned in the Yoo house. Jeongyeon quietly went downstairs and saw the girl curled up on the couch. She sighed and picked her up, holding her tightly in her strong arms.

-And you don't like her like that, eh.- said Tzuyu leaning against the door of her room.

Jeongyeon glared at her. -Shut up.

-Where are you taking her?

-In my room, I'll sleep on the sofa.

-But mom's room-

-No. That room must remain closed.


Jeongyeon continued walking and carried Nayeon into her room, placing her on the bed.


The girl cursed the moment she woke up.


-Where am I?

-In my room. Minhyuk asked me to bring you here, he couldn't do it. Tsk. Now I even have to sleep on the couch.

-Jeongyeon...- The girl sat on the bed and began to unbutton her blouse. Jeongyeon's gaze was totally focused on the buttons that were being opened one by one. She licked her lower lip. -Make me forget everything.

-It's not what you want, now stop before you do something stupid. You are not yourself, you think that sex is the solution to everything but it will never fill the void inside you.

Nayeon stopped at the last button and looked at her with her crystalline eyes. At first she thought she was pushing her away because she was already tired of playing with her, but then she realized.

-Are you talking about me or yourself?

-Goodnight, Nayeon.- said the other and then went out and closed the door.

thank you for showing interest in my first day of university <3 everyone was so cute
I didn't sleep much, I woke up frequently, then at 5.20 I got up
no bus stopped at my stop, so my friend and I went to another one
we arrived a little late and had to sit in the corridor, fortunately the professor started explaining just when we arrived
I understood 70% of the Korean lesson, so when that I'll be back home (I'm writing on the bus), I'll watch a video
he left us half an hour earlier and I went to Chinese class
we only had an introduction and she also left us half an hour early
both professors seem quite calm people to me, let's hope I'll be able to learn

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