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-This dress fits you divinely!- Momo exclaimed.

-Going out with D.O., then?

-Lately you seem too interested in my love life, Dahyun.- Nayeon said adjusting the hairpin of her bun.

-Who, me? I only want the best for you.

-Mh...- Nayeon scrutinized her for a few seconds.

-What time will he come to pick you up?- Momo asked her.

-At seven thirty.

There was a knock on the door and Momo opened it. -Miss.- It was Jihyo. -Jeongyeon is on the phone.

Nayeon raised an eyebrow and picked up the home phone. -Hello?

-Im... You know, I can't stop thinking about what you told me the other day.

From Nayeon's expression, Jihyo and the couple knew they had to get out. When they did, Nayeon felt her legs shake. She sat on the bed.

-What do you want?

She could sense Jeongyeon's grin through the phone. -What you did to me is terrible. What would other people think if they knew?

The girl gripped the phone tightly. -Jeongyeon... What do you want to do?

-I'm here to offer you a peaceful solution. It will be fun...

Nayeon hated with all her heart that almost whisper-like tone full of malice and thirst for revenge.

-What do you want?

-Are you coming with D.O. this evening?

The girl arched an eyebrow. -Yes.

-Perfect. I want you to kiss me tonight.

She let out a laugh. -You're joking, right?

-Imagine D.O.'s face when he finds out that hid innocent Nayeon f*cked with me five times putting off going out with him while you were dating.

-What kind of face do you think he will do when he sees me kissing you?

-You wanted to make fun of me, now pay the consequences. All I want is to get the better of D.O.

-You've already had the upper hand for a long time. You are CEO, he is a simple lawyer.

-No, Nayeon. D.O. stole the only girl I ever loved from me.

-You... Did you really love Roseanne?- Nayeon asked amazed, even a little sad.

-He deserves to suffer. You don't steal other people's girlfriends.

-It wasn't just his fault. Things are done in two and your Roseanne was no saint.

-Either you help me to take my revenge or tomorrow all the newspapers will talk about you.

Nayeon sighed. -All right. I hate you.

-Mutual feeling.- She grinned again. -Yet it didn't sound like that when at night you screamed.- Nayeon hung up.

-What should I do...


-You got into a nice mess.- Tzuyu said walking back and forth. Nayeon lifted her head and glared at her. -Okay... We got into quite a mess. What I don't understand is... What's the matter if you say you hired a girl to spend nights with her? You can tell that you wanted to teach her a lesson. Many would support you.

Nayeon gulped. -Yes... About that... That's not really how it went.

Tzuyu stopped in the middle of the room. -Oh no?

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