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-I'd like to propose a toast.- began the organizer of the event.

Nayeon didn't want that moment to come. Jeongyeon was standing not far from her and her grin was so annoying. She didn't even listen to what they were saying, she was focused only on that mocking smile.


The girl turned away. -Miyeon? How did you get in?

-Sana gave me her invitation.

-What are you doing here?- she whispered.

-I... I tried to call you. I'm in total panic, Jeongyeon. I took a pregnancy test.

-No, Miyeon, no.

-Jeongyeon, I haven't had any relation in the last month.

-You must have been pregnant for two months. It's impossible.

-Why is it impossible? Are you powerless in bed?

The girl wrinkled her nose. -Let's go to the hospital immediately. It's a joke.

-At this time?

-I'm Jeongyeon Yoo, for me hospitals are open at any time, even in the event of a non-emergency.

Nayeon was amazed by Miyeon's presence there. She was watching the two talk seriously. There had to be a hand of Tzuyu. When everyone clapped, she woke up from her trance and started clapping too.

-It was a touching speech.- said D.O.

-Yes, really.

The two toasted and took a sip of champagne. The girl turned around but there was no sign of Jeongyeon and Miyeon.


Nayeon knocked on Tzuyu's door hoping that her friend was at her house. She waited a bit but finally a sleepy Latina opened the door for her.

-Why didn't you answer?

-You know, we ordinary people sleep.

-What happened with Miyeon?- she​​asked entering the Yoo house.

-A little trick on my sister to avoid you kissing her but to do that I had to tell your secret to Sana and Miyeon.

-All right. I think I can trust them.- she said sitting down. -How did you get her away?

-Miyeon told her she was pregnant.

-And is it so!?

-No! They went to the clinic this morning. They actually tried tonight but didn't do any tests on her. They'll have the results in a couple of days. Now we have bought time but we have to find a solution to avoid it being known around.

-I've gotten myself into a mess.

-Maybe...- said the Latina sitting next to her. -But why? Why put your face on it?

-Because... I wanted to take revenge personally...

-You don't convince me. There is more.

-Listen, this doesn't have to get out of here. You absolutely mustn't tell Sana and Miyeon, okay?


-I wanted to know if she was really as good in bed as everyone says, here.

-Not that I care, but is she?

Nayeon looked down. -Why do you think I continued!?

-Okay... Things are getting interesting. You like my sister, don't you?

-No, not this. But... I mean... If it wasn't Jeongyeon I might like her but it's her! She's been ruining my life since we've known each other. I could never love her.

-So... She attracts you but her past holds you back?

-There are sides of her character that aren't unpleasant, that's why everyone likes her. But I also know other sides, which make you see her as a despicable being.

-Got it. Now we need to focus and figure out what to do.

-Sister! How was she yesterday?Nayeon and D.O.?

-Minhyuk, can we talk?

Hearing his best friend so serious was something strange for the boy. -Sure. Come, let's go to my office.

Who on Earth would have an office in a bar? Of course, the one and only Minhyuk. He said ut made him "cooler". To Jeongyeon it was just ridiculous. They made their way to the office and locked themselves in there.

-Well... It's possible that I got a girl pregnant.

-This is a big problem.

-I know! And she's not just anyone, it's Miyeon. She was practically obsessed with me. I don't want to have a child.

-You're grown up now.

-I don't have the desire to have a child yet and certainly not with someone like this.

-Nice problem... Sorry for the inappropriate question, but Nayeon?

Jeongyeon looked into his friend's eyes for a few seconds. -Can you keep a secret?

-Oh yes. I've never told anyone that Nayeon once vomited on Tzuyu's purse and then blamed Brittany. Oh man... Nope! Forget about it! I never told you!

Jeongyeon shook her head. -Listen, nobody has to know this, otherwise you know where I end up your bar?

-I promise I won't tell anyone. What is it about?

-Remember Cotton Candy, the girl from the club? It was Nayeon.

-Eh!? Dude, did you have sex with my ex!? Do you like my ex!?

-No, Minhyuk. Listen to me carefully. She wanted revenge for everything I do to girls, as if they're unaware that it's nothing serious. She pretended to be someone else to fool me and she almost succeeded.

-Why "almost"?

-Well... At our third meeting her cell phone rang while she was sleeping. It was calling her "Latin b*tch".

-Oh... Nayeon saved Tzuyu like this.

-Exactly, Hyuk. I answered and heard my sister say "she never answers". Tzu probably didn't even notice her answering. I hung up immediately and put the phone in her purse. I took off her mask and... I found out it was Nayeon.

-But then you went to bed other times. What the f*ck are you doing, Jeong!?

-Take it easy. I needed her to believe that I fell in love with that girl in order for my plan to go ahead. When Nayeon told me we wouldn't see each other again, I pretended to be depressed. This aroused guilt in her, so she confessed her plan to me.

-She confessed it to you!?- Minhyuk was incredulous. Was she his best friend? And why hadn't she told him?

-Exactly. I used that to my advantage and told her that I won't say anything as long as she kisses me in front of D.O.

-Revenge for Roseanne?

-Exact. But then we didn't kiss. Miyeon came and... Wait. That little...

-So you manipulated and deceived Nay, who thought she was deceiving you? Wow... Teach me, teacher.

-Smart your friend ... I don't think she found out I was pretending but she still managed to deceive me. Miyeon isn't pregnant, it's all their plan to keep her from kissing me. Well, she can keep that kiss, I don't care, but D.O. will know what his little angel did when she refused to go out with him.

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