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Nayeon woke up in D.O.'s bed. She had been crying all night and the guy had done nothing but try to console her, even though he didn't know the cause of her crying fits.

-Good morning.- said D.O. smiling at her.

-Good morning...

-How are you feeling today?

It was all a dream, Jeongyeon had never told her anything. Nayeon sighed. First her mother, then Jeongyeon... She was in too much pain. And so the readers who got to chapter 52. Okay, just kidding, let's get to the real chapter.


Nayeon opened her eyes in Tzuyu's bed, the same bed where she had made love to Jeongyeon. She smiled at the mere thought. Suddenly she wanted to work, to hug Tzuyu, even to forgive her mother. No, she wouldn't have done any of those things, other than work, let's be clear. She got up and ran downstairs like a little girl on Christmas Day. When she saw Jeongyeon from behind she smiled widely.

-Good morning.

Jeongyeon turned around with her cup of coffee in hand. -Goodmorning Princess.

-Princess!?- Tzuyu asked laughing. Only then did Nayeon notice her best friend on the couch. Jeongyeon glared at her. -Okay, okay, I'm leaving. I just came to see how the princess was feeling.- Another laugh.

The Latina walked out the front door still laughing.

-Make her laugh, then she'll scream when she finds out what we did in her room.

Nayeon's eyes widened. -We have to clean up!

-No, this is where you are wrong: you will clean up. I have work to do.

-Hey! I have to work too.

-No, you clean up that mess now and then you rest. You had a stressful week, even because of me, you deserve it.

Yet one day was enough to make Nayeon forget all her suffering.

-You... Do you want to keep everything a secret?

Jeongyeon put the cup down and walked over to her. -I want everyone to know that you are off-limits.

-And I want everyone to know that thing you always say.

-That you have a nice ass?

-Also. Wait, did you say that?

Jeongyeon ignored her. -That you're always acidic?

Nayeon rolled her eyes. -Yah!

-That you're the only one there for me?- The other smiled. -I can send a message to D.O. in which I throw it on his face that in the end-


-Okay, okay... I tried.

-I can already imagine the paparazzi. They were already saying things, various theories.

-We denied them all.- Jeongyeon said laughing.

-Did you always like me or did you initially have other goals?

-Well, now you'll get angry like a stupid moralist. I'll be honest: at the beginning it was all a game, I don't know when I started to feel different.

-It's amazing how just a year ago I would have preferred you to move.

-Okay, you had your romantic moment. Let's not exaggerate now.

Nayeon giggled. -Okay, that's enough for today.

-I am going to wash myself. Will you... Accompany me?

Nayeon shook her head. -I'll go clean Tzuyu's room first, change her sheets and wash the ones we've soiled well.

Jeongyeon nodded, then started walking. -I'll leave the door open!

-I'm not coming anyway!

-Oh... When I'll bang you on my bed tonight you will come for sure.

-Jeongyeon! Go to work!


-Princess!- Tzuyu continued to say, laughing at Minhyuk's counter.

-Oh those two... So they're on good terms now?

-I believe they are something. What did they say yesterday?

-I don't know.

-Didn't you listen!? I said "I'm not going, Minhyuk is there anyway" and you didn't listen to anything!? What exactly are you for?

-I literally make everything at home! I wash, iron, make coffee, I'm a great friend...

-Ah, you're a maid.

-Tsk. Maid. It's called "returning favors."

-Speaking of returning favors, I'm afraid they'll kick us out of the house tonight.

-At least give me her hotel room! I can't sleep here forever.

-Buy your own house?

-I feel alone...


Nayeon had cleaned Tzuyu's room, leaving zero traces. She then sat on the couch and relaxed, like Jeongyeon said. Meanwhile, the other had worked all day but, unlike the other times, she had the desire to go home. So, at five in the afternoon she abandoned everything and got into the car. Arriving home, she opened the door and smiled unconsciously when she saw Nayeon on the sofa.

The other turned around. -You're back.

-There wasn't much to do today.- she said, closing the door behind her.

-And is there anything to do at home?


Nayeon frowned. -I guess you're tired.

-Oh yes. I'm dying of sleep. I'm going to take a shower and get into bed.

-Do you want a hand with the shower?- Nayeon asked her, getting up. She then stood behind her and massaged her shoulders. -Maybe I can help you soap your back.- she whispered to her.

-I don't know... Lately I've been good at soaping myself up.

-Jeongyeon Yoo! Why don't you want to f*ck!?

The girl turned around in amusement, while the other girl looked at her seriously. -It's always fun to make you angry.

-Ah... You're an idiot. Now I'm the one who doesn't want to do anything.

Jeongyeon's eyes opened. -Come on Nayeon, don't be like that, I was joking.

The girl crossed her arms over her chest and turned away. -Nothing to do.- she said smiling.

Jeongyeon grabbed Nayeon by her hips and turned her towards her. She stared at her for a few seconds, then sighed. -You are so beautiful.- It was genuine. Nayeon blushed. She didn't expect something so genuine and direct. -I'm so lucky to have you.- And she hugged her.

Nayeon knew how much Jeongyeon needed that hug, so she hugged her back very strongly. She simply wanted to protect that girl's broken heart forever. But would she have made it? And would Jeongyeon have been able to make Nayeon understand that her love for her was the only remedy for her lack of affection?

My glands hurt
:( I can't speak or swallow

My Chinese history teacher is a fantastic person. He said: "if you do poorly on an exam, don't worry, you won't have failed anything, it's just an exam, it happens to everyone to do it poorly. But remember that it will never be a failure. Don't think that if others have overcome it they are better than you. Don't compare yourself to others"
He simply described me and this speech made me feel more at ease, even if only by 0.1%.

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