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-Fine, I'm going back to sleep. You should do it too.- Nayeon suggested.

-I'm smoking a cigarette and I'm coming. I mean, I'm going.

-So, good night.

-Good night.

The girl got up from the sofa and Jeongyeon watched as she disappeared behind the walls of the guest room. She took a cigarette and didn't even bother to go outside for a smoke. She was on her sofa at a quarter past four in the morning with a cigarette in her hand and a thousand thoughts.

-Who knows why she didn't come...


Tzuyu was in Nayeon's office, waiting for a meeting to finish, when someone knocked on the door. The girl got up and opened the door, finding Sana in front of her. They hadn't talked much since her birthday.

-You are here! I was so worried.

Tzuyu raised an eyebrow. -Where should I be?

-I don't know. Jihyo asked me where I was this morning when I went to Nay's house to get something. She said Jeongyeon was looking everywhere for you.

-Jeongyeon? I was at home. She usually goes clubbing. Do you know anything else?

-She said that she asked about Nayeon to ask where you were and Jihyo suggested her to call her. See if Nay knows anything.

-I don't think so, she would have told me. I think I need to talk to Minhyuk more. Tell Nayeon I'm gone.

-Okay. Bye Tzuyu.

-Bye, Sana.

The Latina stole the driver from Nayeon and headed over to Minhyuk's bar, finding him behind the counter.

-You're working today?

-You aren't, as always.- said the boy. -What are you doing here?

-Why was Jeong at Nayeon's house tonight?

-What are you? The FBI?

-Answer me, Lee.

-She wanted to know if Nayeon stayed at D.O.'s.

-And why? Did you send her?

-At four in the morning I was sleeping.

-Nay was at my place.

-Oh thank goodness! Jeong was worried about business. She doesn't want him to become the agency's attorney.

-This situation stinks to me...

-It's not me! I washed!

The Latina rolled her eyes. -Who knows what she's up to... Bye Minhyuk.

-See you soon.

-Let's hope not.

The girl got back into Nayeon's limousine and went back to the office. She should have had finished the meeting, and so it was.

-Tzu, where have you been?

-I went for a ride, I was bored. Do you happen to know if Jeong came home last night?

-Yes, she slammed the door violently.

-She was angry... Do you know why?

-I suppose because Marylin didn't show up.

Tzuyu sat down opposite her. -I heard that she was at your house last night.- Nayeon stopped using the phone and looked confused at her friend. -She wanted to know if you were at home or with D.O.

-Why would she want to know that?

-She says she's afraid he might become your lawyer.

-Tsk. And I'm supposed to give up my love life because she doesn't want him as a lawyer? Soon D.O. will also be my lawyer for the stalking complaint against your sister.

-Honestly, I don't know what's wrong with her.- the Latina said sincerely. -And Minhyuk... You had to see him. He is as concerned as Jeong.

-I don't believe it... Why?

-Because D.O. has he always been her rival?

-Right. But Jeongyeon... Why don't you go f*ck Marilyn and leave me alone?

-Because Marilyn isn't here. You gave her two days.

-I know.

-Hey Miyeon, how are you?

-Sana!- The girl turned around with some clothes in her hand. -Aren't you at Nayeon's?

-I wanted to come to the shop.

-Every thing fine here. What about you?

Sana sighed. -I don't know... I think Tzuyu is mad at me but I don't know why.

-You say so? I don't think so. She even seems interested.

-You say? I don't know, she's weird. I don't know her well but she is usually more communicative. It's like she's ignoring me.

-Nah, it's your impression. She must have something on her mind. Shall we go for coffee together afterwards?

-Yes, let's go.

-Is it still that Thing?- Tzuyu asked, rolling het eyes at the umpteenth message.

-Yes, it's D.O. Do you also have problems with him now?

-Oh no. I really don't. What are you saying?

-Nothing. He told me his day is boring.

-Without you.

-He didn't say that.

-He wanted it to be understood.

-Then? With Sana?- she asked putting the phone on the desk.

-With Sana what?

-You haven't spoken to each other since her birthday.

-We didn't get to, that's all.

-Mh... Yes, I guess. What's gotten into you? You don't like Miyeon much.

-You are wrong.

-Oh no. You hate Miyeon.

-She is a good girl.

-You're jealous of her.

-Why don't you keep writing to D.O.?- Tzuyu asked getting up and leaving the office.

-She is jealous.

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