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Dylan had taken a week to organize dinner with Nayeon: red roses, dinner at a restaurant on the beach, a ride in the limousine he had rented... Nothing that Nayeon hadn't already done with Minhyuk. When Jeongyeon told him, Dylan replied that he didn't care what her opinion was because he would surely do it better than anyone else. The boy had asked the limousine to show up in front of Nayeon's house at eight o'clock sharp and the florist to send her roses at half past seven. When he saw Nayeon come down with the blue roses he raised an eyebrow.

-Hi Nayeon, you look great tonight.

-Thank you and also for the roses. They are my favourites.

He was about to say that he actually chose the red roses but he decided to shut his mouth after hearing the response of the girl in front of him. He looked around wondering where the limo was. Impatient to keep her waiting, he called but was told it had been cancelled. He didn't scream just because the girl was in front of him.

-Nayeon Im?- asked a voice. They found themselves in front of a carriage.

-It's me.

-Mr. Dylan Aubert sent me.

-There must be a mistake. I booked a limousine.

-Impossible. We don't have limousines.

-Dylan, it's okay, I like it.



After being taken to an anonymous restaurant, Dylan began to argue with the coachman but, when he saw Nayeon almost in tears, he stopped. The girl explained that it was the place where her parents got officially engaged. He therefore decided to stay in that restaurant where a live orchestra was playing and they ordered food. Dylan told her about his job in France and listened with pleasure to Nayeon's business world. When the girl went to the restroom, the man read a message from Jeongyeon in which she told him to ask the orchestra to play Paul de Seneville's Marriage d'Amour, as it was Nayeon's favorite symphony. When the girl returned, he had already paid her bill.

-Nayeon, out of curiosity, what is your favorite symphony?

-Marriage d'Amour.

-Is this something that many people know?

The girl looked at him confused. -I don't even know if Tzuyu and Minhyuk know, to tell the truth. I have never talked about my taste in classical music with anyone. I only talked about it with my father.

-So no one knows?

-I don't think so. Only my father. Why?

-Well I know now.

-Yes... Look, Dylan... You organized the date of my dreams, I don't know how you did it. My mother probably gave you some tips, even though I thought she didn't know my ideal date prototype, but I think you're too old. Please don't be offended by this.

-Don't worry, I understand. Can I ask you just one last favor?


-Would you model a dress I designed recently? I mean... You're Nayeon Im. I think this will work a lot in my favor.

-Really? Me?

-Sure why not?


-Then? How did it go?- Jieun asked as soon as she saw her daughter.

-Your attempts were in vain. And how do you know what my ideal date would be?

-I don't know... Why are you asking me?

-Come on, Mom, I know you told Dylan. Otherwise the carriage, the restaurant, the live classical music would not be explained...

-Darling, I swear I didn't know anything about it. Who knows, maybe Dylan really is your soulmate.

-Well... After all, I don't know how you would know. I wrote it in a diary that I always carried with me. Nobody has ever read it. I'm convinced of it. But then how did he know all these things? Tzuyu? I don't think so, she doesn't like Dylan.


Jeongyeon opened the door and was surprised to find Dylan. -Dude, how did it go?

-It didn't go. Can I come in?

-Please, come in.

Dylan looked around, then sat down on the couch and Jeongyeon did the same.

-The limousine, the roses, the restaurant... Was it you?

-Who knows.

-How did you know this is the ideal type of date for Nayeon?

-She wrote a diary as a child, she always carried it with her. I managed to steal it from her and only found this useless information. The ideal man: blond, rich, European. Ideal first date: blue roses, her favorite color, in a carriage, like a princess, at the restaurant where her parents met and got engaged, live orchestra and eating dessert while listening to Marriage d'Amour.

-Do you still have this diary?

-No, I gave it to her right away. There's nothing left inside.

-When did she write it?

-She was fifteen years old.

-And do you remember her ideal date by heart?

-I was waiting for the moment to make fun of her.

-But you just made her dream come true.

-Then? How did it go?

-I think you stuck with the outdated version of the diary. It was all perfect, but her ideal type is probably no longer European, blond and rich.

-What happened?

-She told me I'm too old and I can understand it. Or maybe her ideal type is really someone else, who knows. Tastes change. Yesterday you thought you were teasing her about her diary, today you made her dream come true.

Jeongyeon frowned. -I'm sorry it didn't work.

-At least she will be my model. I have a dress that would look really good on her. She's coming to pose for me tomorrow. I decided to leave again the day after tomorrow.


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