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-Happy birthday, love!- Minhyuk shouted entering the Im house.

-What a shameless man...- Tzuyu said.

Of course, only Tzuyu knew about Jeongyeon's revelation, even though she knew about it from the beginning.

-You're three hours late and you haven't even arrived exactly at midnight.

-Let's not get attached to these things. I've been busy preparing your gift.

-Oh yes? And where is this gift?

-I'll show you later.

Nayeon had to pretend everything was fine. She couldn't let others see that her relationship was bad.

-Perfect, so let's stay with the others and then you'll give it to me afterwards?

-Certain. Indeed ...- He took Tzuyu's glass of sparkling wine. -...I propose a toast to my beautiful girlfriend.

They all raised their glasses and started celebrating Nayeon, who couldn't stop thinking about how she was fooled by Jeongyeon and what she said to her. What if she lied?Perhaps Tzuyu had said he was shameless because she knew something. In short... Nayeon had quickly told the Latina what had happened but was it possible that Tzuyu didn't have her doubts as usual?

-Tzu, would you take me to the bathroom?

-You just turned thirty, do you already need assistance?

Nayeon rolled her eyes and started walking towards the bathroom. When they arrived, they locked themselves inside and Nayeon looked seriously at Tzuyu.

-Is what Jeongyeon told me true?

Tzuyu sighed. -After I lied to Jeongyeon about spying on Minhyuk about ten months ago, he... He was with another woman. He lied that he had been with me because Jeongyeon found out and I was around. So yes, that's right.

-Why didn't you ever tell me?

-I was waiting for your boyfriend to do it. I gave him an ultimatum: if he didn't do it this week, I'd tell you. But I see that Jeongyeon got ahead of me... Why did she tell you? What's in it for her?

Nayeon sighed. -I think it has to do with the discussion we had on the evening of the event. I let it slip that she's not a girl.

-Oh... Nayeon...

-I didn't think she would be offended! I mean... It's Jeongyeon Yoo!

-It's shocking for me too, I admit it.

-Let's go outside and pretend nothing happened.

-I pretended for ten months.

The girls came out of the bathroom and joined the rest of the group.

-...So tomorrow I have an interview.-concluded Dahyun.

-Oh yes? And who are the unfortunate ones?- Tzuyu asked returning to the living room.

-An antique shop.

-Seriously? Does the daughter of a successful lawyer want to work in an antique shop?- Tzuyu asked.

-It's an important shop! And it belonged to my grandfather before it was taken from him.

-Good luck, then.- Mina said.

-That's why I think it's time to go. Do you mind, Nayeon?- Dahyun asked.

-No, no, not at all.

In fact, that was what she wanted: for them all to leave so she could yell at Minhyuk as much as she wanted.

-Then we're going... Happy birthday again, Nayeon.- Momo said getting up.

-Are they together?- Sana whispered.

Nayeon shrugged.

-How did you come?- Tzuyu asked.

-By a taxi.

-Come on, I'll give you a lift.

Tzuyu understood that Nayeon hoped everyone would leave and Sana understood the concept. Only Mina remained, but she decided to leave because "she had to wake up early". Minhyuk was happy to be alone with Nayeon but he didn't know what awaited him. When the door was closed by Mina, Nayeon gave the boy an angry look.

-Is it because I didn't give you the gift in front of your friends?- asked the confused boy.

-No, it's because of Jeongyeon's surprise.

-Jeongyeon? She told me she wasn't coming...

-Instead she came and she told me about what you did ten months ago. Tzuyu confirmed.

-F*ck... I was planning to tell you...

-It does not matter. Look... In short... Yes, who cares! I'm furious!

-Just not for me... For what I did to you... For your reputation, right?

-It never worked... I don't even know why I'm angry.

Nayeon threw herself back on the couch.

-Although we have never loved each other, I have felt and still feel something for you.

-Min, we've been best friends for years. Our parents really wanted us to be together and we accommodated them. And I've had feelings for you, but nothing comes close to love.

-I cheated on my best friend... It's even worse than cheating on a girlfriend you don't love.

-The important thing is that it is not known around. I broke up with you.

-We can't say that we discussed it and came to the conclusion that—

-You betrayed me! At least let me say I dumped you!

-You're right... So you don't feel like doing—

-No! We just broke up!

-Like old times? Ice cream and let's talk about the guests at your party?

-You know me.

After all, what was one less Minhyuk in his life? Maybe she could have loved him if Minhyuk had pledged to be loved but he himself didn't feel love for Nayeon. Those two had been victims of the psychological influences of their parents, who always expected more. They didn't even do it on purpose but they had conditioned the lives of their children. But Nayeon and Minhyuk were best friends first and foremost, and during their relationship everything had gotten so weird that they didn't act like ones anymore. They had lost everything they had.

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