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Nayeon was afraid to let Jeongyeon go. She was afraid of waking up and finding out it was all a dream, a beautiful dream. Jeongyeon was the first to pull away. -As much as your body drives me crazy, I don't want you to get cold.- she said, picking up her jacket from the floor and putting it back on her, buttoning it. -And never let other men or women see you like that again. Got it? I want to be the only one who can look at you, touch you... Console you.- she said, wiping away her tears with her index finger. -Don't cry Nayeon.

-You're telling me these things just to keep me from crying, right? Tomorrow you will marry that woman anyway. She is much more beautiful than me, with a more beautiful ass than mine and tits more beautiful than mine and-

-No one will have a nicer butt and tits than yours. And none of them will have prettier eyes or prettier rosy cheeks or a prettier body or lips so beautiful that I just want to rest mine on them.

-Do you swear to me that you won't marry her?- she asked, still trembling, more from her nervous breakdown than from cold.

-Only if you promise that you will be the woman I'll marry in the future.

-Nayeon!? Are you still among us?- Tzuyu asked.


-Then? What do you think about the idea of ​​being a stripper at Jeong's hen party?- the Latina asked her.

The girl blushed at the scene, or rather the mental movie, that she had made in which she went to Jeongyeon's hen party and the other confessed her love for her.

(For clarity, starting from the day of the bachelorette party in the last chapter up to Jeongyeon asking Nayeon to promise that she will be the woman she will marry is part of Nayeon's mental movie.)

-No, Tzu, it's a bad idea.

-What were you thinking? I called you five times and you were smiling like an idiot.

-I was thinking about work things, much more important than Jeongyeon.

-Work, yes, and you were smiling.

-Work can also make you smile.- Nayeon justified herself. -If you get money, for example.

-So what will you do?

-With the job? I was thinking of telling Chaeyoung to-

-With Jeongyeon.

-What should I do?- she ​​asked, frowning. -She's finally useful!

The Latina shook her head at her. -When you stop lying, call me.- she said taking her jacket from the sofa.

Nayeon watched her friend exit, through the same door Jeongyeon had left after announcing that she was getting married. She thought back to what she had imagined and sighed because it was only her imagination. Jeongyeon didn't love her, she would get married and pay off their company's debt.

-What if... I sold the dealership? And break ties with my mother and Jeongyeon? That way it would just be me and Sana. And my mother... I can't leave her in debt. But what should I do?- She began to walk back and forth looking for a solution. -I should talk to her about it.

Nayeon picked up the phone and called her mother.


-Nay the f*ck! Jeongyeon told me everything. What came to your mind!? Sell ​​my cars without my permission!? And because of your stupid debts Jeongyeon will get married to a rich woman. She never dreamed of getting married. You should be the one getting married!- she shouted at the woman.

-Is Jeongyeon getting married?- Jieun asked from the other end.

-Didn't you know? Well, she just told me that. Now try not to be selfish for once and find a solution. Why would Jeongyeon sacrifice herself?

-No, ahe shouldn't. I knew this man was there, but not that she was supposed to unite the families. Wait, let me make a couple of calls. I take out loans.

-And then how will you return them?


-But you will have debts again and we will start over!

Jieun sighed. -I'll try to talk to the gentleman.

-As usual you are useless.- the girl said ending the call.

Jieun tapped her nails on the desk. She didn't want Jeongyeon to get married. Yes, she had no chance with this girl, she understood that, but she hated the idea that she could ruin her life with a marriage she didn't want. She hesitantly searched through her contacts and made the call. The phone rang only three times.

-Jieun! Is it really you? I see you still have my contact. Then? Have you thought about it again?

-Joseph, almost thirty years have passed.

-But my feelings for you have never changed. Your husband has been gone for years, what's stopping you?

-You know, how can I be with you when he looks down on us?

-But when we saw each other behind his back you didn't have too many problems.

-My daughter would hate me if she found out who you are.

-Well. I doubt you called me for a reunion. What do you need?

-I have serious difficulties and my work partner is willing to marry a girl to pay off debts. She is my best friend's daughter and I don't want her to sacrifice herself.

-How much do you need?

-It's too much.

-It's never too much for me.

-I know, I remember it well.

-Let's do something, I'll give you the amount, whatever it is, but you have to accept my invitation to dinner.

Jieun had no other solution. Maybe her husband and Nayeon would forgive her because she was doing it for Jeongyeon.


have you had enough of my plot twists? well, you read my books, you have to take responsibility haha ​​<3

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