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-Won't it be that you like her? Isn't it like you used me to forget Jeongyeon?

-You too with this story!? I don't like her.

-If many people tell you this, there must be some reason.

Nayeon got up. -D.O., I am extremely sorry to have hurt you. You're the only one who doesn't deserve it.

-Exactly, that's why you did it. You prefer someone like you, someone who deserves such treatment.

-D.O., I allow you to say everything I deserve, but not such a falsehood. I assure you that between me and Jeongyeon there is and will be nothing.

-It does not matter. You know, if I hadn't been betrayed, I might have even forgiven you, but right now, I can't. I hope you will act better next time. If you don't mind, I'd like to be alone.

-Are you kicking me off?

D.O. didn't answer. Nayeon sighed and walked to the door, closing it behind her, probably forever. She could have lied, but at what cost? At the cost of living a lie? D.O. deserved to know. But why wasn't it that bad after all? Why did she feel like she was shaking off a weight?

She took her phone out of her purse and immediately called her best friend.


-Tzu, your sister told him. I don't think we will see each other again.

Tzuyu sighed. -Look, I'm with Sana now but-

-Listen, I'm going to your house. See you there when you get back.

-Yes, Minhyuk is supposed to be there.

The girl got out of the lift, hung up and told Richard to go to the Yoo house. At least she could have vented to her best friend, who wasn't very up to date, at least as far as she knew.

-Was it Nayeon?- Sana asked.

-Yes, Jeongyeon told D.O everything.

The other snorted. -I don't understand those two. Why ruin each other's lives?

-Think that they are one my sister and the other my best friend and I don't understand them either. Shall we order?


After ordering, neither of them seemed to want to keep quiet. They finally had something to talk about.

-How is Miyeon doing?

-Well, she also met a girl. She is our client.

One less problem, thought Tzuyu.

-Let's hope that at least she's gonna be okay with her.

-Yeah, here it seems like everything ends badly for everyone on the Upper East Side.

-Not for everyone. You're having dinner with me, aren't you? It went well for you.

-Hear it! You should be thankful for having dinner with me.

-Tsk. And let's hear, why, Miss Minatozaki?

-Because I'm beautiful and a successful woman.

-Well but I too am both beautiful and a successful woman.

-Correct observation, Chou. Let's say we're both lucky?

-For me it can be done.

-Good.- Sana said, giggling.

Between those two there was a particular relationship but it can be said that there was chemistry.

-Who is it!?- Minhyuk yelled in panic, walking out of his room, actually Jeongyeon's room, in his underwear.

-Calm down, it's just me!

-Nay! Give me two minutes and I'll be with you.- Putting on some comfortable clothes, Minhyuk went downstairs and found Nayeon sitting on the chair. -Why here? Tzuyu isn't there.

-I know. I'm waiting for her. In the meantime, I need to vent to someone. Do you know that I was dating D.O.?

-I was told.

-Okay, listen, I wanted to tell you but... A few things happened.

-I know this too.

-Perfect. And do you also know what happened tonight?

-No, not this.

-Jeongyeon told D.O. everything. He doesn't want to hear about me anymore and he's right but... Sooner or later I would have told him. I hate Jeongyeon with all my heart. I don't know what I would do to her.

-Well you were both wrong, as always. I don't know why you hate each other so much. I mean, I know, but I don't understand why keep ruining each other's lives when you could just ignore each other.

Nayeon gulped. -Are there cameras here?

-Mh... Yes but without audio.

-Are you sure?


-Good... Min, don't tell anyone, not even Tzuyu, but I think... D.O. be right. Maybe I've always liked pasta and clams.

-Fine! And why shouldn't Tzuyu know it?

-How do I tell you? I hate her, okay?But I like her.

-I'm not following you.

-Has it ever happened that you liked someone but that person didn't behave well with you and therefore-

-Oh my God! Do not tell me!

-Shut up! Don't even say it!

-But I have to say it to see if I understand.

-I think you understand...

-You like Tzuyu!?

-What!? No! You never understand anything!

Minhyuk laughed. -I'm kidding, I understand. You... Her sister.

-Let's talk about! It's not that I like her... She's... Attractive, in her way. She has a certain charisma, I think. She is nice with the others.

-Okay, so you like her but she, when she's with you, turns into a completely different person and that makes you hate her?

-Exactly... Since when do you understand things?

-C'mon, Nay!

-Okay, sorry. You won't tell anyone, will you?

-Don't worry, your secret with me is safe. But since when?

-I don't know since when but I know that I realized it in the last month and I refused to accept it.

-And now what are you going to do?

-Forget her. Do I have other alternatives?

-Well... I'm not so convinced that you are so indifferent to her.

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