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-Then? How do I look?- Nayeon asked Tzuyu in video call.

-I still don't understand why you and my sister don't go together. No, I'm kidding.

-Rather, will Jeongyeon come?

-I have no idea but I didn't see her today. And Jieun?

-She says she doesn't like these events very much and Jeongyeon will suffice as the company representative.

-What a beautiful representation...

-Miss, we're almost there.- Richard warned her.

-I'm almost there. I'll call you later.

-Bye Nay.

The girl put the phone in her purse and smoothed her hair looking in the car mirror. Richard stopped and opened the door for Nayeon.

-I see we have company...-commented a voice behind her.

-So you came.- Nayeon said looking at Jeongyeon dressed in a blue suit.

-Hi, Nayeon.- said a girl, who was holding Jeongyeon's left arm with her hands.

-Hi Corinne. Why are you here?

-Oh... Didn't I tell you? You had to come with a partner.

-Why didn't you tell me!? I could have asked Minhyuk. Now what am I supposed to do?

-Ask Richard.

-I have a better idea. I'll ask your driver. After all, he has a crush on me, right?

-Tsk. What his taste is like sh*t.

The girl approached Jeongyeon's driver James. -Hey James.

-Hello miss.

-You can call me Nayeon. Listen, Jeongyeon forgot to inform me that a partner is needed. What if you-

-It would be an honour.

Nayeon smiled. -Fine, all resolved.- She then looked at Jeongyeon. -Shall we go in?

They passed through the gate and joined the guests in the garden. Jeongyeon immediately approached the impresarios with Corinne and was forced to introduce Nayeon.

-Miss Im, it's a pleasure to meet you.- said Mr. Swift.

-My pleasure. I took the liberty of bringing a little gift for your daughter.

Jeongyeon rolled her eyes.

-Why don't you go and meet her? She is there with her friends. Kelly! Why don't you come here? Dad wants to introduce you to some of his colleagues.

The sixteen-year-old girl approached and politely said hello.

-Happy birthday Kelly. This is a little gift from me.

-Me too.- Jeongyeon said.

-Tsk. Pimps.

-Excuse me?- Nayeon asked.

-You want to buy me so as to conquer my father.

-I told you it wasn't a good idea. It's all her work.- Jeongyeon justified herself.

-Are you two together?

-What!? No!- Nayeon yelled attracting the attention of some people. Mr. Swift was talking to other guests.

-One thing is that you don't like me, another one is to insult me.

-Sorry... I was asking... I saw you here alone...

-No, listen, my girlfriend for tonight is the one out there who is talking to my driver, her partner.

-He's my companion only because someone didn't tell me I should have one. Half New York wants me.

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