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-What were you doing with Nayeon?- asked Minhyuk.

-I just had to go to the bathroom and she was looking for I don't know what for Tzuyu.- Jeongyeon replied starting to go towards the dining room but Minhyuk stopped her by the arm.

-Don't play with her, remember that.

Jeongyeon whirled around. -Until proven otherwise, it was you who played with her.

-You are no better. You blackmailed her after you f*cked her.

-You cheated on her, you bastard.

Minhyuk frowned. -Calm down, dude, let's not start arguing about something we didn't do to each other.

-Then try to shut your mouth, Minhyuk.

-How do you feel about Nayeon?

-I told you, there's nothing.

-Well, then you avoid talking to her except for work. I wouldn't want her to think you like her. Because that's what you want, right? For you it's all a game.

Jeongyeon sighed. -I had a lot of fun. I stopped playing.

-Well. Now let's go over there, Jieun is waiting for us.


The day after Thanksgiving Nayeon had given everyone some time off. She, however, went to work anyway, having a couple of things to fix. At noon she had finished and she decided to go home to rest but as soon as she left, Richard went to meet her.

-Miss, there's a problem... Miss Jeongyeon insisted on getting into your limousine.

-Why doesn't she leave me alone?-Nayeon asked out loud. -I'll handle that. You start driving towards my house.

-Yes Miss.

Nayeon got into her car and saw that the glass divider between the front and back had been raised.

-Jeongyeon, this is my limousine, I ask you to get out.

-Your mother told me I was ungrateful.- she began. Nayeon closed the door and looked seriously into her eyes. -All this for that stupid holiday.

-Thanksgiving? Well... You only said thanks for the money.

-And what should I thank for!? My parents abandoned me. I had to raise Tzuyu alone, I had to create myself. People didn't take me seriously, then I started having more money than them.

-Jeongyeon, you are not alone.

-I am. Whoever is with me only does it because I have money.

-And Minhyuk? You've been best friends since you were nobody. Tzuyu adores you, even though she doesn't show it. You have the respect of my mother, that loves you... Like a daughter. I hope...- she whispered the last word. -And I... I've tolerated you for years and I haven't reported you to the police yet. Appreciate it.

-You have everything: friends, success, relationships... What do I have? All I have left is a lot of money and a friend.

-Well you could start by not using girls and start dating one seriously.

-Tsk. I have a reputation to maintain.

Nayeon decided not to talk to her anymore. They remained in silence until they arrived in front of the Im house. Jeongyeon got out of her own accord.

-Is my mother at work?

-Yes. Tzu is showing a house and Minhyuk at the club.

-Why don't you go to work? I can ask Richard to-

-I have to get some documents for your mother first.


The two went up together, maintaining the usual familiar silence. Once they arrived, each went their own way: Nayeon headed to the kitchen to drink, while Jeongyeon went to Jieun's study.

-Isn't Jihyo here?- Jeongyeon asked going into the kitchen.

-She must be shopping.- Nayeon replied.

-For that matter of relationships... I haven't met girls in a month. See you.

Nayeon seemed to think about it. A month... Since she found out that Nayeon was Marylin. But why suddenly stop?

-Right... How stupid... She's been busy all month. Tsk. How can I even remotely think that-

-Miss, are you talking to yourself?

Nayeon turned around. -Jihyo... No. I was thinking... Work drives us all crazy.

-Work or a boyfriend. Or maybe a girl. I saw Miss Jeongyeon leave.

Nayeon raised an eyebrow. -And then?

-Nothing. Do you want beef stew today?

-Yes... Okay.

-Miss, we've known each other since you were a baby and my mother worked for you. Are you sure that you have no feelings for Miss Jeongyeon? Every time she looks at you-

-Jihyo, please, I already have so many problems. All we need is for someone to think that I might like Jeongyeon.

-I think you like her.

-Well, you're wrong.

-Okay, whatever you say, I'm sorry.

-Good.- Nayeon put the glass in the sink. -Do you think she likes someone?

Jihyo tried to hide her smile. -Miss Jeongyeon? Who knows... That girl is a mystery. But I've noticed that lately she's often staying where you are. Either she is planning something terrible against you or she has feelings for you, of whatever nature. But this... This would be a problem. Your mother is still in love with Jeongyeon.

Nayeon immediately turned around. -What do you mean, Jihyo?

The girl couldn't keep lying to Nayeon. She considered her a friend, also being the same age as her. -Your mother lied to you. It wasn't her who stopped Jeongyeon that night, but Jeongyeon herself.

-Jeongyeon said it... How do you know it?

-I heard a conversation between the two of them. Jeongyeon doesn't care about Jieun but... Jieun asked her to think about it.

-Jihyo... It's all a mess. What should I do? What if Jeongyeon ends up being with my mother? What should I do then?

-Would it be a problem because you hate her or because you love her?

do you know the thing of twice and butterflies?
It just occurred to me that a year ago, in June, I wrote a one shot that dealt with Jeongyeon's butterfly tattoo
It's still in my drafts
I predict the future haha

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