Thanks+ new book

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Hey, 55 chapters
As usual, I didn't want to do anything long, but instead... Thank you for reading this book, for giving a star or simply for appreciating what I wrote, some jokes, some characters. Your comments always make me happy and give me a lot of fun. Thanks for waiting even when updates were slow. I hope you enjoyed it, even the end without a specific ending
I'm not good at endings, let's be honest
Only the sad ones come out well for me

Talking about sad things
Do you remember Scandal? I swear, I didn't remember the ending until someone mentioned it
So I said to myself "come on, let's make this sequel"
At first I had an idea, then I started writing it another way, and now I've mixed the two ideas together

And now I'm publishing the other book, not the sequel to Scandal
I'm joking, I'm joking
I'm sure you wouldn't appreciate the new book enough if I released it before Scandalous haha
I love how excited you all are for this sequel, it makes me so happy
Now I'm afraid of disappointing your expectations haha

So... Here you are Scandalous

Plot: It's 2053, 278 years have passed since Jeongyeon's death, of which nothing remains but a necklace. Im Nayeon, a twenty-seven year old girl, will find the necklace along the Thames and, eight years later, she will meet someone who will turn her life upside down. But what if it was the jewel that found Nayeon?

Go check the second chapter

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