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-It's strange... He should have already been here.- Nayeon said to Minhyuk, who had self invited himself telling her that he wanted to show his support for her future relationships.

-We are in New York City, he must have found traffic.

-Likely. I'll wait ten minutes, then I'll call him.

-You are right. However, you look great like this.- Minhyuk's comment was genuine, from a friend's point of view. I couldn't say sibling because after being together the two are unable to define themselves as such.

-Thank you. How's it going with the girls?

-Still no one capable of feeling on the same level as me.- Minhyuk joked. -So... First D.O., now James...

-With D.O. it went badly, I just want to try with James. He's a nice guy but I still have no feelings for him.

-Go easy. You know... You went from having only one boyfriend to dating two in such a short space of time. And then... The question of... Marylin. I wouldn't want you to find yourself suffering or doing this just not to feel alone. You know, you're thirty years old and... I just want the best for you.

Nayeon nodded. -I understand your concerns and I would be lying if I told you I didn't share them. But I'm of the opinion that without trying we can't know if a person is the right one or not. I can't wait and suddenly wake up with the idea that I should date James if I don't know him first.

-Yes sure. Just be careful, okay?

-I'll call him now.- she said, getting up. -James? Oh, okay. See you later.- She sat back on the couch. -He said he'll be there in five minutes.

Minhyuk was obviously confused. Jeongyeon should have stopped him. -Well. I am happy for you.

The boy didn't know what to do. He wanted Nayeon's happiness and didn't like Jieun deciding who she should date, so he totally ignored Jeongyeon's message, who asked him to stop Nayeon.

This was what led Jieun to immediately organize the meeting with that French designer she had talked about so much. The boy in question showed up a week later. He was forty years old, ten older than Nayeon.

-Good morning Dylan.- Jieun greeted him with emotion, taking off her glasses at the airport.

-Good morning Jieun. Your daughter?

-She doesn't know you're coming yet. Come to our house after settling in the apartment that Tzuyu, her best friend, gave me.

-Yes, willingly. If your daughter is beautiful in photos, I can't imagine in reality.

-Oh yes. She is beautiful.

-If she got her beauty from you, definitely.


Nayeon and James had only seen each other that one time. The boy had found the tires of the car punctured and knew very well who had done it but, having no proof, he would not have been able to report her, so he decided not to show up again. He had had enough of Jeongyeon Yoo, and if that woman wanted Nayeon to be alone, he wouldn't do anything to stop her.

-Why are you here?- Tzuyu asked for the sixth time to Jeongyeon, who was enjoying a glass of champagne. -You see, little sister, Jieun didn't invite you for an ordinary dinner, just as the apartment you lent her is not for an ordinary person.

-I know, it's for a stylist.

-Yeah, and that stylist will soon become Jieun's son-in-law.

-And does Nayeon know this?- the Latina asked her, crossing her arms over her chest.

-She'll find out tonight. Of course, Jieun certainly won't force her to be with him but that's what she would want.

-And why do you know this?

-Because I helped Jieun.

-And what would you get out of this?- asked the sister with a raised eyebrow.

-See Nayeon forced into an unhappy marriage?

-Or maybe madly in love. Or maybe they won't get married.

Jeongyeon took a sip of the champagne. -It will still be a pleasure to meet Dylan. We have been friends for years.

-Dylan? Why don't I know him?

-We met at private events.


They spent more time talking about other things, when Jieun opened the door and walked in with the stylist and model.

-Dylan, dude.- Jeongyeon said approaching him. -How is it going?

-Jeongyeon... How long... I find you in a great shape. And who is the girl behind you?

-My sister, Tzuyu.

-Tzuyu... What a pleasure to meet you. You're the girl who rented my apartment. Thank you very much.

-No problem.

-Nayeon will be here soon.- Jieun announced. -Please sit on the sofa while we're waiting for her and then we can sit at the table.

Jieun went to check what Jihyo was doing, while the three sat on the couch. Jeongyeon and the man talked a little about some mutual acquaintances until the door was opened. Nayeon was surprised to see the Yoo sisters on her couch but more so to see that little-known face.

-Nayeon!- Jieun exclaimed coming out of the kitchen.

-Mom, I didn't know we had guests.

Dylan got up and approached her, kissing her hand. -Nice to meet you, Dylan Aubert. You must be Jieun's beautiful daughter. She told me a lot about you, I got curious and decided to come and meet you.

Nayeon was confused: why was a man quite older than her kissing her hand and going there to meet her? She glared at her mother.

-Let's sit down. Jihyo will be here with the food soon.- Jieun said smiling at the man.

Tzuyu already knew that her best friend didn't agree, so she decided to sit next to her. That was a long dinner in which Dylan did nothing but talk about himself. He finally privately asked Nayeon to go to dinner with him. The girl accepted only because she understood that he was Jeongyeon's friend and on good terms with her mother.

-Mom!- she shouted as soon as the man left.

-Darling, he's a good match. It's what you've always dreamed of. Don't you remember? Of marrying a model.

-Mom, I was fifteen when I said these things.

-Be grateful to your mother who found someone willing to be with you.- Jeongyeon told her. -And then she's right, it's always been your dream to marry a model, right?

I eventually decided to add chapters
I hope it's not a problem for you and you're not bored <3
because I know the feeling of wanting to finish reading a long book but it no longer catches your attention like it did at the beginning

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