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Tzuyu received a call at about eleven o'clock. D.O. had called her worried.

-Is Nayeon with you? You can tell me, it doesn't matter if she stood me up.

-No, Nayeon is not here...- The Latina suspected that she was with her sister.

-Then did she disappear? I'm calling her but she doesn't answer me. She doesn't even receive the messages.

-I'll contact her and let you know.


Tzuyu ended the call and smiled at Sana next to her. She then called her friend, who did not answer. She snorted and tried to call her sister.

-Hello?- she ​​answered in a grumpy tone.

-I'm sorry to interrupt whatever you guys are doing but D-

-We're not doing anything. She went to D.O. I lost her forever.

Tzuyu was paralyzed for a few seconds. -What... Explain it to me later. D.O. called me and Nayeon is not with him.

Jeongyeon sat up on her bed. -And where is she?

-I hoped she was with you. I'll call Minhyuk.

Jeongyeon immediately hung up. It was all her fault. Nayeon even stood up D.O., who she had liked for years. Maybe it was this, she liked him, she didn't love him. But Nayeon had never loved. Why fall in love with someone like her? Jeongyeon was crude, she loved to use women, she didn't show affection... At least that's what she believed. She had built a mask so strong that even she had convinced herself that she was like that, but her sister, Nayeon and Minhyuk had met the real Jeongyeon.

She quickly got dressed and took the car, trying to call Minhyuk.


-Is Nayeon with you?

-Yes, Tzuyu just called me. Don't worry. Dude... What did you do to her? She is destroyed. I've never seen her like this, not even when she was with me. I told you not to play with her.

Jeongyeon gripped the steering wheel. -I'm not playing. Are you at the club?


-I'm coming to get her.

She hung up and headed to Minhyuk's place. It was about midnight when she got there. She parked the car in the worst possible way, she had so much money, a fine was nothing for her. She walked briskly towards the club and saw Nayeon alone in a dark corner.

-She doesn't want to talk to anyone.- Minhyuk whispered to her as soon as he saw her. Jeongyeon sighed. She slowly walked over to Nayeon and sat down next to her. -D. he was worried.

-Don't talk to me.

-I was convinced that you had gone to him.

-I'm not like you, I don't play with people. I texted him when Tzuyu called me and apologized. Now disappear.

-I was very worried too.

-I can imagine.- she said sarcastically.

Jeongyeon lifted her chin with two fingers and made her look into her eyes. -Look at me, I'm serious. You made me worry. I almost wish I knew you were in D.O.'s bed.

Nayeon lowered her head again but Jeongyeon raised it again. -What do you want?

-It's not easy for me to say. You know... It's not that I don't want to say it but I'm...


The girl frowned. -I'm not afraid.

-So what are you?- the other one asked her, raising an eyebrow.

-It is hard to explain.

-You are afraid of giving your heart to someone and having it destroyed again.

Jeongyeon couldn't lie in front of those eyes. She looked down. -You make me look like a weakling.

-No, it's not like that, that makes you look like a human. I know how difficult it was with your parents and then Rosé...

-With Rosé it wasn't that serious, now I'm feeling something much stronger.

-I'm scared too, and a lot. My father... You know. I can't give my heart away that easily. I'm afraid of hurting someone.

Jeongyeon took her hands. -You would only do good.

-There are sides of you that no one knows but I have learned to discover. And, believe me, you are perfect just the way you are, with your thousand defects, but also with your hidden qualities.

-I can't even say those words.- Jeongyeon whispered to her.

-Take your time, but at least try to accept how you feel. I know it's weird, I've been there too but-

-It's not weird, it's new. It's beautiful but at the same time... Scary.- she had said that word and regretted it a little but she continued her speech. -You're afraid of making someone suffer, I'm afraid of suffering.- she had admitted it, it was already a big step. Perhaps the fear of losing her had helped her express her feelings. -Together we could help each other... Or destroy each other.

-We have already done this for years.

Jeongyeon smiled. -Come back home?

-Only if you promise me that you will be like this more often.

-Like what?

-Romantic, thoughtful...

-I'm romantic!? Tsk. I don't promise anything.

Nayeon stood up and started walking, immediately followed by Jeongyeon. The two said goodbye to Minhyuk and then left the club, under the curious gaze of some customers. They were silent the whole time, thinking they had talked too much. They arrived home and said goodbye in the hallway.

-Goodnight.- Nayeon said smiling.

Jeongyeon came closer to her and caressed her cheek. -Night.- They remained looking into each other's eyes, then the taller one took the other by the back of the head and pushed the pink lips of the other one onto her fleshier ones. Nayeon was surprised at first, and so was Jeongyeon herself. It was the first time she gave a delicate but at the same time aggressive kiss. She usually inserted her tongue with violence and it always happened in the sexual field. Their lips touched and danced slowly, like two nineteenth-century nobles dancing to the sweet notes of a waltz. Jeongyeon pulled away after ten seconds. The longest but also shortest ten seconds of their lives. She let their cheeks touch. -You're the only one for me.- she whispered to her.

And those words were enough for Nayeon to feel loved again, to accept that she would never love anyone as much as she did with Jeongyeon, to ascertain that no one would love her like Jeongyeon.

today a memory came to mind: I was in eighth grade and I had to take the final exam. At the time I couldn't pronounce English well and every now and then I got something wrong. I was studying the political situation in the United Kingdom and I remember that I began to complain because I just couldn't pronounce well and, being a perfectionist, I hated that I couldn't understand and say a subject well.
And now I'm studying languages, after having learned English on my own because at school... They don't teach it... In the best way, let's say so
So, don't be discouraged, a small fall in the past doesn't necessarily have to represent a crack in the future
Unfortunately, I still have to understand this haha

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