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Nayeon got ready to go get her cars. Her mother had given her the money needed to purchase each one and the girl was surprised that she actually had all that money just because of a mistake by the bank. She was convinced that there was something behind it and, probably, as usual, Jeongyeon knew something about it. Had they robbed a bank? Killed a rich old man? The girl continued to develop various theories, including that Jieun and Mr. Smith were lovers, but she immediately blew it out; if that had been the case, he would have given her cars to her without any problems.

-A partner suddenly? Is she exploiting a man?- she asked aloud.

Richard had the answers to her questions but wouldn't speak for fear of being fired.

-We have arrived, miss.

-Wait for me here.

-Of course.

Nayeon opened the door and put her ten-heel on the road. She began walking towards Mr. Smith's house and rang the intercom. They opened immediately and the girl was able to pass.

-Miss Im?- asked a woman.

-Yes, it's me.

-Come, Mr. Smith is waiting for you over there.

Nayeon walked through the large hall of that villa and saw a man in his sixties sitting with a pipe in his mouth. What a terrible taste...

-Good morning.

-Good morning. Sit down.- Nayeon did as she was told and sat down in the chair opposite Mr. Smith. The man looked at her, then put the pipe back in his mouth. -So you are the creator of everything.

-Excuse me?- she asked immediately surprised and confused.

-The reason why my daughter will no longer marry Jeongyeon.

-I think there's a mistake, your daughter won't marry Jeongyeon because there was a misunderstanding.

-Mh ...- He brought the pipe to his mouth again. -The cars are now mine.

Nayeon clutched her bag. -Don't you understand? I'm a victim too. Those cars belong to me and my mother sold them without my permission.

-These are your problems, now they belong to me.

Nayeon took a deep breath. -You listen to me, from a businesswoman to a businessman. Is there anything I can do for you?

-And with what money or knowledge?

Nayeon frowned. -Mine, mine.

-Oh... Suddenly you have money.

-Me, my mother and Miss Yoo are different things.

-I was going to join Jeongyeon Yoo and become one of the richest people on the planet. It would have benefited both me and her. What do you think she might want now? Let me keep the cars.

-Mr Smith, be reasonable. I have the money to buy them back. Why do you want to ruin someone else's business?

-That's how the business world works. You should know this if you've been around for a long time.

-That's right, that's how it works. So why are you so mad at Jeongyeon?

-You, miss, are an interesting character. Why don't you cooperate with me?

-No, thank you. I already have my partners causing me problems.

-You missed an opportunity. I think we're done with the conversation, miss...

-Nayeon Im...

-Nayeon, right. Don't tell me you're not the reason everything went wrong. The first agreement with Miss Yoo was that you would get all the cars back. I don't know if you're in a relationship or just friends, but I bet you're the reason my daughter won't marry Jeongyeon anymore.

-Do you want to know something?- she​​asked, getting up. -Keep the cars. Together with my partner, Jeongyeon and my mother I have much more money than you, I don't need them. I would rather give charity to a man so poor in personality than stay here and listen to how you offend me and my partner. Jeongyeon was lucky not to have a miser like you as a father-in-law. Oh and ask your daughter if she was happy with her marriage to Jeongyeon because, as far as I know, the girl is already taken. I'm greeting you.- She turned and headed for the door.

-Tsk. More money than me. Maybe once.- the man commented, but Nayeon didn't turn around and continued to go straight towards the door and then to the limosuine.

-How did it go, mi-

-At Yoo's.- she said, slamming the door.

-Right away.

She spent the journey tapping her fingers against the door. Her conversation with Mr. Smith had annoyed her very much. When she arrived at Yoo's house, she rang but received no answer. Tzuyu should have been home. She tried again but nothing.

-Nayeon?- Jeongyeon asked coming out of the door.

-Is Tzuyu there?

-She went out with Sana and Miyeon.

-Ah. She didn't tell me.

-Ah, have you spoken to Mr. Smith?

-Mister is a euphemism. I hate him! He won't give me the cars back but he wanted to collaborate with me.

-Maybe if you had accepted he would have given them back to you.

-He's an idiot. He only thinks about money. He's just like my mother. Can I go up? I'm waiting for Tzuyu at your place.

Jeongyeon sighed. -Fine.

The girl was forced to get back up and open the door for Nayeon. They both entered the apartment and Jeongyeon threw the keys on the counter.

-Weren't you supposed to go out?

-I wanted to stop by Minhyuk or my club, then I remembered that there are always the same girls. Here you are complaining and you don't have your cars, it's much more fun.

-You're an idiot too. It's your fault I lost half my cars.

-Look on the bright side: you have the other half.

-Do you want me to put my hands on you?

-Yes, I like it when you are violent.- she whispered to provoke her. Nayeon got even more angry and held back so as not to actually hit her or kick a chair. -If you want I have some old things to get rid of. You can break those.- Jeongyeon joked once again.

-Ah... I have to calm down... And to make matters worse my mother suddenly has money coming out of all her pores. You know something about this?

I don't know how it's possible (I'm freaking out) but I'm starting university tomorrow
So there is a possibility that updates will not be very frequent
However, I will try to update on free days and in the evening, after studying
So forgive me for any grammatical errors
Help, I'm anxious hahaha

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