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-Good morning Nayeon, I-

-Not now, Sana.- said the girl passing her.

-But I have my clothes ready—

-Take them to Chaeyoung.

-She has already drawn them.

The girl stopped and turned around. -Great job, really. Take them to the team below or give them to my secretary. I will see them later.

-Okay. Did something happen?

-Minhyuk is coming, my best friend.

-Isn't he your ex?


Nayeon locked herself in her office and placed her bag on the chair next to hers. She was wondering what Minhyuk wanted to talk to her about and within five minutes the boy found himself entering accompanied by her secretary.

-Thanks Dana.- Minhyuk entered and Dana closed the door. -Wasn't there another secretary?

-She is pregnant.

-Did you tell your mother?

-I am a free woman, she will find out over time.

Minhyuk sat down. -My father said that he is disappointed in me and my mother that at least I could have said before that I was gay. Other than that, everything is fine.

-You are gay?

-No. But my mom thinks only a person not attracted to women can let you go.

Nayeon nodded. -How to blame her. So why are you here?

-Oh... Yeah... It's about Jeongyeon.

-No! I won't go back with you!-Nayeon yelled.

-But what-

-We have to make the others believe that you came to ask me to get back together.- Nayeon whispered.

-Good... About Jeongyeon... She's really weird and Tzuyu noticed it too. I was wondering if you could talk to her.

-Are you mad!? I would never do that!

-Was this about getting back together?

-No, for both. Never in my life would I go and apologize to her.

-Oh no, you don't have to. I just wish you would tell her you didn't mean what you said or at least let her know that you consider her a woman.

-And how? Giving her a bikini?

-At least try.

-Minhyuk! Get out of here!- The boy immediately stood up. -No, not really.

-Oh. So? What will you do?

-I won't talk to her, sorry.

-All right... Good job then.

-You too.- The boy got up and opened the door. -And never come back!

-Okay, you b*tch.- Minhyuk said giving her the middle finger from behind.

Nayeon chuckled. Meanwhile, when Minhyuk went out, Dana and Sana pretended they hadn't heard anything. Oh... Now that Dana knew it, the whole building would know it as well.


-See you tomorrow.- Sana said.

-Where are you going?

-I have an appointment with Tzuyu, she has to show me a house.

-Oh... She didn't tell me. Then go ahead.

-Bye and... Don't stress yourself too much.- the girl said before leaving.

Nayeon was only in control of an order to be placed and then she could go home too. It wasn't a particularly busy day. When she was finished, she got up and, telling Dana that she would have to lock up, got into her limo.

-Sorry for the delay, I couldn't find a taxi.- Sana said to Tzuyu in front of a building.

-Don't worry. Shall we go?- They started walking. -Your apartment is on the fifty-first floor. I know it's not very high—

-That's fine.

-Well then. You're close to Nayeon's house and mine too, even though it's actually like I live at Nay's.

They waited for the elevator to reach the fifty-first floor and then entered what would have been Sana's apartment. It already had furniture and decorations, the girl would just have to bring her clothes in there. It had a large living room, two bathrooms, three bedrooms and a large kitchen.

-It's so big that it would be a waste for one person. Luckily Miyeon is coming.


-She is my... Friend and colleague. She's coming to live here and she's coming to run my business here in New York with me.

-Basically you work both with Nayeon and for your brand. You like to make money, huh?

-No, I just like my job.

-I don't, but it makes me earn well.

The clatter of heels echoed throughout the club. The girls behind the counter were surprised to see her there. The girl touched her shoulder gently, only to be almost disgusted that she did.

-Bridgette, not now.

-I know you'd prefer that blonde with two boobs the size of two rockets, yet here I am.

Jeongyeon turned to Nayeon in confusion. -What are you doing here?

Nayeon sat on her stool in front of her. The night was still young and there were so many customers that no one was paying attention to her presence anymore.

-I wanted to tell you that it's not true that you're not a girl. You are for all intents and purposes.

-What's up? Did Jieun send you?

-My mother has nothing to do with it. I just thought you should know it.

-Are you really apologizing to me?

-No! I'm keeping you from skincare, I'm saving you. You should thank me.

-Oh Tzuyu... Would you like a drink?

-Are you really buying me a drink?

-No, you pay for it yourself.- Nayeon asked the girl behind the counter for a margarita. -Excellent choice, not because the place is mine, but here they serve excellent alcohol.

-I couldn't expect anything else from an alcohol lover like you.

-Just as I can't expect to see you in an out of style skirt.

-Remember that I do fashion.- Nayeon took a sip of her margarita that had just been served. -Not bad.

-Tsk. You've never had one like this before.

-This is what you think. Minhyuk has a great piña colada.

-Good for him, then. He told me you remained friends.

-We always have been.- She looked at the time at the clock hanging behind the counter. -Tomorrow I have an appointment with Sana's colleague. I'd better go.

Nayeon paid with her black card and drank the last of her booze.

-Enemies as always?

-Enemies as always.

Nayeon got up. -You're a b*tch.- She turned and walked away.

-And you a sl*t!- She took a sip of her rum and watched her disappear behind the door.

One of my favorite chapters
Get ready for the next ones

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