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-Miyeon!?- exclaimed Sana as she was leaving and her friend was returning. -I don't even want to know. I, however, would be careful of Jeongyeon.

-Don't worry, Shasha, it's okay.

-As you say. I go to work. Bye.

-Good night.

-Yes, goodnight.

The girl took the elevator, left the building and took the taxi to go to work. Who knows what she would do... If she would do anything. Arriving at work, Nayeon greeted her quickly and then headed to the toilet.

-Indigestion?- she asked the secretary.

-I don't know.

The girl decided to go and check that her cousin was okay and was relieved to find that she had only gone to do her make-up.

-Miyeon is at the store?

-Miyeon just got home.

-Oh... Night of fire?- she asked looking in the mirror to put on the red lipstick.

-With Jeongyeon.

The girl was surprised but not enough to ruin her makeup. -Huh? How do they know each other?

-Jeongyeon was down here yesterday. It's strange... Either she was looking for you or she was here for Miyeon.

-Mh... Sana, go talk to Chaeyoung about the models.


Nayeon came out of the toilet, locked herself in the office and called Jeongyeon from the company phone.

-Hello... Who wants me?- she asked in a seductive tone.

Nayeon rolled her eyes. -Jeongyeon, it's me.

-Oh. What do you want, Im?

-What do you want from Sana's friend.

-It would look like that she wants something from me. It was she who begged me to continue tonight.

-Ew. Disgusting. I'm not here for your erotic stories. How do you know her?

-Alright then. Do you want the truth? Tzuyu suggested her to me.

-Tzuyu? What...

-And you should f*ck once in a while, so you don't call people early in the morning in this sour tone.

-Tsk. Go to hell, Jeongyeon.- She hung up and immediately called her best friend. -Tzu! What is this story that you sent Jeongyeon to Miyeon!?

-Already like this in the early morning? How long has it been since you've slept with someone?

Nayeon rolled her eyes. -So?

-I just don't like her.

-Tzu... She's friends with Sana. Stay away from her.

-Yeah, anyway... Do you really think Jeongyeon would sleep with her again? You know she changes girls more often than she changes underwear.

-I know, I know. But try not to let this go on.

-All right... As you wish. It was enough for me that she became obsessed with Jeongyeon and I think it worked, since up until a few seconds ago she was harassing her with calls. Just think that Jeongyeon was happy that it was you at the last one.

-But then you knew that I would call you!

-Yes and then?

-Are you with your sister?

-No, she went to the kitchen.

-What is it about Jeongyeon that attracts everyone? I really don't understand...

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