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Three days had passed and Nayeon had tried to forget what had happened but it was almost impossible. She found herself talking to James, telling him to be careful because she didn't want Jeongyeon to fire him.

-Miss Yoo, it's late, could I go home?- her secretary asked.

-Yes, go, I still have a bit to do.

The building was completely dark, except for the room on the top floor. It was eleven o'clock and Jeongyeon was still working. This is what happens when, instead of working, you spend your evenings drinking in clubs. She heard a noise but she ignored it, thinking it was security.

Nayeon got out of the limo and stopped in front of the building where her mother and Jeongyeon worked. It was now past eleven and the girl waved to the security, asking them to come through. Obviously she was granted it. That light on the top floor meant Jeongyeon was still working. She took the elevator and went up to the tenth floor of that building. When the doors opened she felt her legs tremble. She slowly walked towards the study and opened the door but what she saw was not Jeongyeon at the computer.


-Nayeon! What are you doing here!?- the woman exclaimed, her eyes widening.

-Like a daughter, huh!? Jeongyeon is like a daughter to you!? Sorry, I'm going home. I just... Came to bring some documents to Jeongyeon.

The girl turned and walked towards the elevator. She thought it was just Tzuyu's paranoia, instead her eyes had seen her mother on Jeongyeon's desk and her partner on her trying to unbutton her blouse. She immediately called Tzuyu to tell her what happened and the Latina rushed over right away, despite her schedule.

-It must have been traumatising. I mean... Your mother with a girl your age... Yes, Jieun is a milf, definitely but... I'm not helping you, sorry. Is there anything you want me to do?

-I don't know... It's so strange... I have so many questions... Is this the first time? Are they together or is it just for fun? How disgusting!

Tzuyu stroked her hair. -I was joking all this time, I know as much as you do. I can try to investigate.

-Maybe I don't even want to know. It's all so strange. Now I want to sleep and think about it tomorrow with a clear mind.

-Okay, I'll stay with you.

-I'm going to drink a glass of water for a moment.

Nayeon got out of bed and went downstairs, where she saw Jihyo. -Miss... How come you're awake?

-Jihyo, I need you to do me a favor and no one has to know.- The girl nodded looking at her seriously. Nayeon reached for her bag on the couch and pulled out a green wig. -You have to make it disappear. No one has to know I had it.

-It will be done.

-Please, it's important that no one knows, especially my mother, Jeongyeon and Tzuyu. Oh and... Did you know about my mother and Jeongyeon?

-Your mother and Jeongyeon?

-Never mind. I'll tell you tomorrow. Good night.

-Goodnight miss.- she said rather confused with the wig still in her hand. She wondered what she was doing with a green wig at the building where her mother worked.


The next day Nayeon ignored Jieun.
She told everything to Jihyo, who suggested to her mother to give Nayeon some time to digest what had happened and then explain everything clearly to her. Even Tzuyu couldn't look Jieun in her eyes. Nayeon felt betrayed but she knew she had no right to do so. She and Jeongyeon weren't together. Jeongyeon was just that kind of girl who likes to play with others.

-Oh dude... Bad story.

-Thanks Minhyuk, I know.

-She caught you with her mother! I would never look at you the same way again. And Jieun... I think things between the two are pretty bad now.

-I didn't tell you this to point out how much this situation sucks. I wonder why Nayeon came at that time...

-Didn't she say that she wanted to give you some documents?

-I'll find out soon. For now, I'll let her sort things out with Jieun.

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