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-Good evening Mrs. Lanyard.- Nayeon greeted.

-Good evening, always beautiful.- commented the lady before entering the Im house.

-I know.- she commented to herself before welcoming the next guests.

-So, what's up?- Tzuyu asked Minhyuk while she was sat on the sofa with her legs crossed.

-Nothing special. There at the restaurant things are always the same. What about you?

-I sold a couple of houses.

Minhyuk ran a restaurant chain with his father and Tzuyu was a real estate agent. They all had a good job overall.

-Your sister?

Tzuyu shrugged. -I thought you knew something about her.

-Today we met and she told me that she would never miss such an event.

Tzuyu made herself comfortable on the sofa. -Do you think that... Between Jieun and Jeongyeon...

-Oh no. I hope not. Imagine if Nayeon found Jeongyeon as herstepmother.

-Would I become her aunt? Ugh. How awful.

-You would be the rich and sexy aunt.

-Obviously. Have you seen her New York aunts? Surely rich but they are two witches.

-Hey, what are you talking about?- Nayeon asked sitting next to Minhyuk.

-About your mother and Jeongyeon's relationship.

-This and that.- Minhyuk reassured her.

-By the way... Isn't it strange that Jieun and Jeongyeon aren't here?

-Tzuyu, stop with your theories!- Minhyuk scolded her.

-As you like, believe what you want to believe.- said the girl bringing the goblet to her mouth again.

-Jieun is there.- Minhyuk said as soon as the woman entered from the kitchen.

-She was just talking to Jihyo.- Nayeon said.

-And look who's in front of the door with her usual grin.- Tzuyu said watching her sister enter.

-It's just a coincidence.- Nayeon said crossing her arms over her chest.

-As you like.

Jeongyeon greeted a few people, then took her glass of champagne from Momo and looked for someone. She approached the three guys and moved Tzuyu to sit next to her best friend.

-Where have you been?- the boy asked to investigate what Tzuyu claimed.

-I had a situation to handle with Jieun.

Minhyuk and Tzuyu looked at each other, a mixture of concern and surprise, even though the girl also had an "I told you so" smile.

-What is it about?- Nayeon asked.

-Nothing that includes you too.

-Tsk. We are partners.

-Not in this case.

-Are you f*cking my mother?- she whispered-yelled so as not to let the others hear it.

Jeongyeon chuckled and then raised the goblet to her lips. -It wouldn't be bad... I'd become your stepmother, right?

-Answer my question.- Nayeon said with furrowed eyebrows.

-Not yet.- She winked at her.

-Miss Im, can you come here?- asked a lady.

Nayeon stood up and held out her hand to Minhyuk, who shook his head. The girl gave him a dirty look and he, huffing, got up and went to talk to those people he didn't want to deal with.

-He is completely dominated by Nay.- Tzuyu said.

-Mh... Yes, enough.


-Exactly, little sister.- Jeongyeon said as he observed a girl in a long black dress with a slit.

-What do you mean?

-I'm referring to his friends at his club.- She drank the last sip of champagne and then got up and went towards the girl he had been eyeing.

-Good evening, are you looking for something?

-Oh... I was looking for Im Nayeon.

-At the moment she's busy but I'm her partner, tell me.

The girl smiled. -Perfect. Can you give these to her?- she asked, pulling some documents out of her bag.

-Certainly. Is there anything else I can do for you? I know a little place...

-Oh yes? Where?

She leaned into her ear and whispered to her. -The room upstairs.

-I would love to say yes but I'm here with my boyfriend.

-I understand. Let me know when you're free.

-Certainly. Can I have your number?

Jeongyeon thrust her business card out of her pocket and gave it to the girl, then turned around and walked back to her sister.

-Did she reject you?

-No one rejects Yoo Jeongyeon. She's just busy tonight. She will let me know.

-Another disposable?

-Of course.- Jeongyeon opened the document the girl had given her and began to read. She frowned and jumped up to the second page. She walked over to Nayeon with the documents still in her hand. -Excuse me, can I steal her just for a moment?

-Of course.- said the lady.

Poor Minhyuk was forced to stay with those people, cursing Jeongyeon for not calling her too. Jeongyeon grabbed Nayeon by the wrist and yanked her into the kitchen. The girl brutally freed herself from the grip on herarm.

-Do it again and I'll sue you.

-What is this?- Jeongyeon asked showing her the documents.

The girl took them in hand and began to read. -Why do you have them? And above all, why did you read it!?- she screamed angrily.

-What's on your mind!?

-As you also said, we are not partners in this case.

-Your father left you the company so that you and only you could manage it.

-Who are you to tell me what to do?

-It is never okay to divide a business between two people. And who is this woman?

-She has two bachelor's degrees, three master's degrees, and is highly sought after.

-Do you know her?

-I've done my research.

-Didn't teach you this!? Never trust strangers.

-What do you want? Me to share it with you so you could f*ck also my secretary?

-Nayeon, this is about work, serious stuff. Have you talked to your mother about it?

- It's not about her.

-I will go and take these documents directly to Jieun.

-What is your problem!?

-If it was only you involved, I wouldn't have done anything, but here it also concerns me and your mother. What if she decides to cut ties with us?

-I won't let that happen.

-Nayeon, she will own 50% of the agency. How can you be sure it won't happen? For now, your mother can help you pay the bills. The matter ends here.

-Who are you to tell me what to do?

-A girl with more years of career behind her.

-Tsk. You're not even a girl.

Jeongyeon frowned and then walked out of the kitchen, leaving a furious Nayeon alone.

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