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Nayeon woke up early despite everything. It was around seven when she went down to the kitchen to get some coffee and there she found Jeongyeon in boxers and a sports bra.

-What a horror!

-I'm my house.- said the girl turning towards her. -Have you seen your face? You're even worse when you wake up after crying.

-I see you stand out for your sympathy even at this hour.

-What can you do... It's a natural gift. Coffee?

-Yes, please.

-Prepare it yourself.- Jeongyeon said and then left with her cup in hand.

-Hey Nay, how's it going?- Minhyuk asked appearing behind her. -Do you want a coffee?

-Yes, thank you.- Nayeon said, glaring at Jeongyeon, who, meanwhile, was glaring at Minhyuk.

-How did you sleep?


-Comfortable? Wasn't the sofa uncomfortable?

Nayeon looked towards Jeongyeon, who immediately looked away. -No, I was fine. Does Tzuyu always wake up late?

-Pretty much yes.- Minhyuk replied.

-She practically lives on an income, only going around to see girls.-Jeongyeon commented.

-I wonder who she reminds me of.- said the other.

-The one who lives on income is your mother.

-Jeongyeon...- Minhyuk scolded her.

-What's up? You too are served and revered here and have never paid a bill.

-Did something happen?- Minhyuk asked. -Today you are more intractable than usual.

-Let's say I rejected a tempting offer and someone isn't grateful to me.

Minhyuk suddenly turned to look at Nayeon and then at Jeongyeon. -You... You two...- he tried to say in disbelief.

-No, I'm not referring to her. She would like it.

-Tsk. You would like it.

Nayeon took the cup that her friend had placed on the counter and took a sip of coffee. -Not bad, Hyuk.

-Oh thanks, finally someone who compliments me. Tzuyu and Jeongyeon never appreciate my efforts.

Nayeon finished her coffee and placed the cup in the sink. -I'm going to the bathroom if you're looking for me.

-Shall we come look for you in the bathroom?- Jeongyeon asked with a smile.

The girl rolled her eyes. -I'm going to take a shower and lock the door. You know, just in case.

-Be quick, there are people who have to work.

When Nayeon disappeared from their sight, Minhyuk looked at her other friend. -Why do you treat her like that? She's going through a difficult time.

-Nayeon doesn't want anyone's pity, she hates it. I behave normally.

-You know, behind every bad deed you do, there's always a good one hidden. Sometimes I wish Nayeon would notice.

-Listen to me, Nayeon mustn't find out about something like this under any circumstances.

-Okay, calm down.

-I'm going to your bathroom now, since the snotty little princess probably got mine.


Jeongyeon arrived at Jieun's office door, sighed and knocked. She entered after receiving a "come in" and found the woman busy reading something.

-Reading how much money your partner gave you this week?


-You have to tell Nayeon, she already knows by now.

-Why did you tell her?

-Because I can't stand you continuing to lie to her. My mother also kept her relationship a secret from us and then she never came back. Your daughter is devastated and, if you don't want me to ruin the reputation of you and your partner by telling the newspapers that you've known each other for over twenty years, you better go and talk to her.

-I told you a secret. How could you betray me like that?

-And how could you not tell her anything? Deciding for her who she should marry just like they did with you?

-Why do you care so much about my daughter? I thought you hated her.

-No, Jieun, I don't hate her. She's simply the person who irritates me the most on this planet, but she's also the one who turns me on the most.- she had no problem telling her mother. -And do you know why I kept pushing you away? Because lately I only had one person on my mind and it was her. And do you know what I discovered? That while her mother was lifting her skirt in front of me, she was suffering because she is in love with me. So instead of continuing to torture her, you owe her some explanations, otherwise you will lose her forever.

Jieun was struck by what Jeongyeon told her. She simply fell silent, unable to say anything. The girl walked out, leaving her alone to think. Thinking... It was something Jeongyeon had to do too. She locked herself in her study and took some time for herself. She hadn't seen girls for at least two months, suddenly she felt the need to protect that girl, she did nothing but masturbate thinking about how nice it would be to be able to relive those moments in bed with that girl, but not like the drunk CEO and Marylin, like Jeongyeon and Nayeon; she thought about how she had felt when she told Nayeon that she was getting married, when she heard her say that she loved her. Was it possible that what she felt wasn't just sexual attraction? Towards Nayeon? She shook her head. It couldn't be possible. She had to sleep with that girl as soon as possible, before she started going completely crazy and even thinking she could love her.

Tzuyu had informed Sana of what had happened and that Nayeon would be missing from work for a few days. Her friend was in the room with her and was leafing through some photo albums.

-Were we nine and seven here or eleven and nine?- Nayeon asked.

-Eleven and nine. My grandmother was still there.

-This was Jeongyeon.

-She looked better as a boy.

-As a girl she is so attractive.

-I swear, hearing you say these things about my sister is disturbing.

-We almost did it tonight.

-And then?

-She told me that sex won't fill the void in me. I'm sure she was referring to herself.

-Yes, I think so too. Come to think of it, it's been a while since I've seen her go out in the evening.

-So it's true.


-She told me about a month ago.

-Well... Why tell you? In my opinion there's a good chance she likes you.

Nayeon looked at the photo of Kyungwan pouring flour on Nayeon. -I don't think so.- she said smiling as she closed the album.

I just finished studying Korean and repeating Chinese
I'm so into Korean that I even studied things he hasn't explained yet haha

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