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-So Nayeon has resumed supplying you with her cars?- Minhyuk asked astonished.

-It will be her cousin's good influence. What is her name...


-Exactly, Sana. What do you think of her? Not bad, huh?

-Not my type. For you, they are all your type.

-Almost all.

-Right, apart from your sister.

-And Tracy from high school, Jessica from the bookstore, and that creepy girl from the park cafe.

-And Nayeon? You didn't name her.

-I think it goes without saying that I wouldn't get involved with my worst enemy.

-And her mother?

-Jieun is a beautiful, single, successful woman... But she is Nayeon's mother. While I enjoy the idea of ​​becoming her stepmother, I'm not romantically interested in Jieun.

-You're just like Nayeon.

-Please don't tell me such a thing!- Jeongyeon exclaimed.

-You both don't have romantic feelings. You who knows why, we know her for what—

-We know it? I don't know anything.

-Come on... The question of her father.

-Oh... Yes, sure.

June 7, 1998

Nayeon was only five years old when her father began spending his days in bed. The little girl didn't know why but she didn't even pay too much attention to it, since her dad always behaved normally with her.

-Dad! Look what I drew!- exclaimed the happy little girl bringing her drawing to her father who was in the hospital to rest better, as her mother had told her.

-It's wonderful, darling!- said the man seeing the drawing of a little girl who was holding a balloon in one hand and shaking her father's hand with the other. -As soon as I'm rested, I'll buy you one.

-Really!? Dad you are the best!

Nayeon climbed onto the bed and lay on her father, hugging him tightly.

-Nayeon!- her grandmother yelled. -Get off! You'll end up killing him!

-Mom... Don't overreact.- the father scolded her.

-But... It's a hug. Isn't love always good?

The woman sighed. -Come on, Nayeon. Let's let dad rest.

-Bye Dad, I'll be back tomorrow after school.

-Don't forget, study hard so then you'll take my company.

-And we will work together!

-Yes.- The man smiled. -We will work together.

June 10, 1998

-Mom! Why can't we go to dad's?- the little girl asked, stamping her feet on the ground.

-Nayeon... Dad... He... He's gone.

-Where did he go?- the little girl asked confused.

Jieun was doing her best to hold back the tears. -He... He flew to the sky, Nayeon.

Her dad had promised her that he would bring her a balloon and then he was the one who flew into the sky like a balloon. The little girl's eyes filled with tears. It was all her fault. It was her who had embraced her father. Her grandmother had told her that she would have killed him with her embrace. Why hadn't she listened to her? Love is not always good. How did she manage to be so bad and kill her father with her love? Because of her and her foolish affection, she had lost the most important person in her life.


-Miyeon?- asked the girl in front of the door.

-Yes... Do we know each other?

-I'm a friend of Sana's. Nice to see you, Tzuyu.

The girl squeezed her hand. -Miyeon.

-Yes I know.


-I'm the one who rented the apartment to Sana. She's at work and I wanted to make sure everything was in order.

-Oh thanks. That's kind of you.

-Are you a lesbian by any chance?

-Oh? No... I'm bisexual.

-Interesting... See you then.

-Yes...- When Tzuyu was away, Miyeon entered the house. -What a weirdo...


-Jeong, I have a proposal for you.

-Shoot.- said the sister concentrated on the computer.

-There's this cute girl who just moved from Los Angeles, she's a friend of Nayeon's cousin.

-Mh mh?

-Why don't you go out one evening?

The girl sighed. -Did you talk to Minhyuk? I'm not interested in a relationship right now.

-You can also just go to bed with her.-Tzuyu shrugged.

-Mh... You are never interested in me. Do you want her to fall for me like when you wanted revenge on Brittney?

-It was just a proposition. Why do I always have to have double ends?

-Because you are Tzuyu.

-Damned reputation. Okay, I want her to fall head over heels for you.

-Any reasons in particular?

-I don't particularly like her, that's all.

-Deal. Within twenty-four hours she will be at my feet.

-So this is your friend?- Nayeon asked looking at the girl in front of her.

-Is there something wrong?- Miyeon asked her.

-No, I think I've seen you before...

-Miyeon works with me, maybe you saw her when you came to Los Angeles.

-I don't think I can remember such a thing but it is possible. So, you've come to run the store here in New York?


-Okay, fine. I'm working so...

-Oh... Sure. Bye then.- Miyeon and Sana walked out of the studio. -She kicked me out?

-Don't pay attention. Nayeon is peculiar.

-Okay, shall we go home then?

-Let's go. Actually, wait for me downstairs and book a taxi, I'll go get my bag.

Miyeon booked a cab as she went downstairs.

-Hi, I didn't know that Nayeon finally got pretty employees.

-Oh? No, I don't work here.

-It's a shame. Jeongyeon Yoo.- the girl said extending her hand.

-Miyeon Cho.

-So, what's a pretty girl like you doing here?

-I'm waiting for my friend.

-Why don't we go get something together instead?

-Hey Miyeon, here I am! Hi Jeongyeon.

-Oh hi Sana.

-Do you know each other?- Miyeon asked.

-Yes, we are partners now.

-Sana, do you mind if...

-Oh, yes, you can go. See you tomorrow at lunch. I have to leave early tomorrow morning.

-To do what? Lick the feet of that—

-Don't talk like that about Nayeon, Jeongyeon.

Jeongyeon rolled her eyes. -Shall we go?

I thought I already posted Nayeon's past
but instead... 🥺

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