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-I'm not playing. It's the first time in my life that I'm serious. You are playing with me, Nayeon.

She looked at her with those almost expressionless eyes, brows furrowed, scrutinizing the girl in front of her.

-I don't understand you.

-I don't understand you either. Who is the girl behind the mask?

-Jeongyeon, really... You wouldn't like that, trust me.

-It doesn't matter. I need to see her.

-Jeongyeon, believe me-

-I want to meet her!- she screamed violently.

Nayeon stood still, she was almost scared. -Swear to me you won't get angry.

-I see it difficult. I'm already furious.- Again that almost apathetic tone.

-At least promise me you won't tell anyone.

Jeongyeon sighed. -Deal.

-Swear by your hotels.

-I swear by my hotels.

Nayeon swallowed and sat up. -It was just a simple revenge, don't gas yourself and don't make strange mental films.

-Tell me that name.- Jeongyeon said sitting closer to her.

Those words stuck in her throat.
Should she have mentioned Marilyn's name? Should she have invented one? Jeongyeon was there waiting for her.

-It's me.- A faint voice came out of her trembling mouth. She didn't have the courage to look into her eyes.

Jeongyeon was silent for a few minutes. Nayeon was feeling so ashamed that she decided it was best to leave. She stood up but Jeongyeon held her arm and made her sit on her lap.

-What do you mean it's you?- she asked looking seriously into her eyes.

-I wanted to... Take revenge personally.

-Didn't I disgust you?

-And indeed it is so!

-Why did you carry it on for a long time?

Nayeon looked down. -I wanted it to have more effect on you.

Jeongyeon didn't seem to be that angry after all. She lifted her chin with two fingers. -Weren't you already dating D.O.?


-And you gave up some dates for me?

-Well... It happened. But I've already told you not to get your head up!

-But the girl who is dating D.O. ditched him for me and now she's sitting on my lap. I knew I would win sooner or later.

Nayeon rolled her eyes. -Now I think I have to go.

-I swear, I hate you with all my heart. You can go.

-You're weird.

-At least I'm better than D.O. And know that I haven't forgiven you yet, Im.

-I will live without your forgiveness, but at least I was honest with you.

Having said that, Nayeon got up, walked to the door and went out.

-I slept with Nayeon... I need a drink. Let's make two.

Meanwhile, Nayeon had called D.O. to tell him it was all sorted. In fact, she even had a proposition for him. Meeting at a restaurant near Nayeon's apartment, the two sat down not too hungry.

-I'm glad you managed to solve everything.

-Me too. I had a weight to take off.



After all, if Jeongyeon was depressed for a long time, it would negatively affect their job. But she knew that surely her confession had left her speechless.

-So... What did you want to offer me?

At that moment the waiter arrived, so the two opted for a pizza, and then went back to looking at each other.

-On Fridays there's a party, things for entrepreneurs. If you come, you might meet someone.

-It would be perfect. Would I come as your partner?

-This is the plan.

Who knows who Jeongyeon would go with.

-How do we do it? Should I pick you up?

-I'll come with my driver. Be ready by half past seven.

-Fine. Hey... Isn't that Tzuyu?

Nayeon turned around and noticed her best friend at a table with a girl behind him, probably her cousin.

-She had a date with my cousin.

-Maybe later we can go get an ice cream together. Date for four.

Nayeon whirled abruptly. -You know... It's their first date, maybe next time.

-Oh... But can the two of us go?

She didn't know why but she wasn't completely convinced. The ice cream tasted too cliché, too... Like high school kids.

-I don't really like ice cream.

-Oh, all right. So... Shall I take you home?

-I'm sorry, it's just been a really tiring day.

-No, I understand. It was tiring for me too and when you told me we weren't going out, I was broken.

Nayeon smiled, a genuine smile after a long time. Is it possible that she could have fallen in love with someone? The thought made her face straight again.

-Margherita.- said the waiter serving it to Nayeon. -And Diavola.

-Thank you.- they thanked in unison.

-I didn't expect your invitation outside.- Sana confessed.

-I supposed it.

-Did Mina stand you up?

-I saw you stressed, I wanted to distract you a bit.

-You've been weird since my birthday. I thought you hated me.

Tzuyu drank some of her beer. -I do not hate you. We're just not that close.

-I understand. But you don't look as the type of person to have these problems.

-At first I thought you didn't like me, I didn't want to disturb you.

-It's not so.

-Then let's start from the beginning.

Sana smiled. -Yes.

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