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Jieun thanked her daughter for choosing to listen to her. She looked at the woman in front of her with her gaze mixed between disappointment, confusion and disgust.

-Nay... I swear it's the first time it's happened.

-Mom, do you have feelings for Jeongyeon?

Jieun blinked several times. -No, darling. I don't have any romantic feelings towards her.

-How long have you been planning on... That?

-Initially Jeongyeon was just my best friend's daughter... I don't know how it happened but I started fantasizing about her. I never should have. Yesterday she was alone, full of work. We talked and found ourselves in that situation. As soon as you left I got up. It's good that you came, you saved me from making the worst mistake of my life.

-So... There was nothing between you?

-And there will never be anything. I made that clear last night. Sorry Nay. I should look for a partner my age. I haven't recognized myself for a few months now. But I can assure you that something like this will never happen again. Okay?


-Don't blame Jeongyeon, I provoked her.

-I'm not mad at her. Why should I? I just want that woman to leave my mother alone.

Jieun nodded. -That's better. For a moment I feared you might like her.

-Don't be ridiculous, mom. I'm going to work. It's already late.- she said standing up, clenching her fists.


Jeongyeon had let two days pass but the desire to know why Nayeon had gone to her office tormented her. She said goodbye to Kelly and opened the door to the CEO's office.


-What do you want?- the girl asked her without even looking at her.

Jeongyeon closed the door behind her. -I came to personally take the documents you were supposed to bring me.

-Ah... Yes... I think I left them at home that evening.

-Because the documents exist, right?

Nayeon frowned at her but avoided looking at her. -What do you want? Get out.

-What did you come for?

-To bring you some work papers. Work that you didn't take seriously, like my mother. Imagine if in my place had come in... I don't know... Your secretary. She probably would have been less traumatized.

-We didn't do anything.

-I know. Now, unlike you, I have to work.

-I know you won't believe me but with your mother I wouldn't have done anything, I would have stopped. You caught me just when I was thinking about telling her not to do it. If you had arrived a few seconds later, you would never have seen us in that position. Believe me or not, for me there is only you.

Nayeon stared into those warm brown eyes that, despite the cold November weather, were making her melt. -That's the door.


-Why are you suddenly saying these things to Nay?- Minhyuk asked behind the counter.

-Because it's awesome to see her face when she blushes. Jeongyeon two, Nayeon zero. It's an innocent game that I like to play. As always, I'm better than her.

-Didn't you say you would stop?

-It's just a game.

-Well, stop playing. Nay is my friend. Ah... James stopped by. He asked me for advice on taking a girl like Nayeon to dinner.

-To dinner?- Jeongyeon asked, frowning. -When?

-In the weekend.

-When we planned to stay at home... And I gave him two days... Where did he say he was taking her?

-I think at Carmine's, the Italian cuisine restaurant.

-Book for two.

Minhyuk looked at her confused. -First with me, then with D.O., now with James...

-You forget the Frog, what's his name... Sana's cousin.

-I don't know... You're strange. What's the excuse this time? Are you afraid that she might steal your driver?

-Tsk. I don't care about James in the slightest. I could fire him whenever I want.

-Why don't you do that?

-Because that way I keep him busy and he doesn't distract Nayeon. Her mother wants her to marry a guy. Obviously Nayeon will decide but she wants to introduce him to her soon. And she asked me to keep an eye on Nayeon because she wouldn't want her to be with a low party. DO. was a common lawyer. Things would be different if she was with the guy who runs the restaurant chain... Michael.

-And you and Jieun? What is it exactly between you?

-She is simply a woman to fantasize about, there must be nothing between us.


Saturday had arrived and Minhyuk had discovered that Nayeon was indeed the girl James had told him about. Nayeon had told him how much she had known for a long time that James liked her and she would have been sorry to refuse the invitation to dinner; plus he was cute too.

-James, let's go, Minhyuk and I are hungry.- Jeongyeon said appearing in front of her parking spot as the driver was about to leave.

The boy looked at her perplexed. -Oh... You gave me two days off.

-Oh yeah? I didn't remember it. What do you have to do?

-Listen, I can also just take this evening.

-For what?

-You see, my mother will be in town-

-No, James, I know perfectly well about your date with Nayeon. And what were the agreements? I would have rehired you if you hadn't even spoken to her. Instead you looked at her and spoke to her. And do you know what does this mean? That Jieun will be disappointed in me and I don't want to disappoint anyone. Got it? So, now you call Nayeon and tell her you're not going anywhere.

-But then Nayeon will be the one disappointed.

-Don't worry, Minhyuk is going to her place. There will be her best friend with her. Now call her.

James looked at her with his green eyes. -No. I can't do that. I quit.

-James, don't you dare. Nayeon needs to get married to a man of her caliber. Jieun has already arranged the meeting. What are you? A driver. In fact, not anymore. She deserves better. You know it too. And do you really think she can like you? Minhyuk told me that she only said yes to you because she would feel sorry for you. Poor dreamer. Avoid humiliation. Nayeon is not for you. Listen, I'll be good, I know a lot of girls... Maybe we can find one for you.

-No, miss, I'm sorry but I won't do what you want anymore. As I already told you, I'm resigning. Find someone else to take you and your friend to eat, find someone else to transport you and your thousand girls in this limousine. I am tired. Now I will go to Nayeon whether you, Mrs. Im, her future partner like it or not.

I don't know what you expect for this book, probably my initial idea, but then I decided to make a change
then you will see what I am referring to
there are a few chapters left to the end

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