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-Bro, we need to talk.- Minhyuk said as he entered Jeongyeon's office.

-What? Nayeon and D.O.?

-I found out that they will meet tonight.

-Do you like Nayeon or not?

-I don't like her in that sense but I also never said that I didn't like her.

-Ah! Lucky me that I never commit myself seriously. What do you mean, Hyuk?

The boy sat down and began to play with a pen. -I'm not in love with her but I don't deny that I continue to be attracted to her and she is also my best friend.

-You should let her live her life. Believe me, that girl only brings bad luck.

-Mh... I should let her go, I know. Tonight I'm going to my club. What about you? How's it going with the mystery girl?

-Cotton candy?

Minhyuk chuckled. -Did you give her a nickname?

-I don't know her name but her hair is like cotton candy.

-But isn't it pink? Cotton candy is white.

-It's a cotton candy with dyes. Do you always have to be so picky? However things go as always.

-So great. I would like to be like you.

-Many would like it. You may go now. I have to work.

-You're right. Will you join me at the club tonight?

-I don't think so, I'm going to mine.

-Right, Cotton Candy. Good fun.

-Hyuk... Don't bullsh*t. I know you.

-I won't do anything. We broke up and it's just right that she has her life.

-Mh... I don't know if you convince me but I have to work. Bye.


Nayeon was in her room with Jihyo. That day she had finished earlier, which made the maid suspicious, but she didn't ask anything.

-What do you think about this?-Nayeon asked showing off a short slit skirt and top. -Mh... Too sexy. I should look a little elegant.

-If you tell me where you have to go-

-I have no idea. Do you know D.O.?He came back and asked me out. Just think that years ago I would have emptied the closet for such an event.

Jihyo looked puzzled at the mountain of clothes on the bed, then turned her gaze back to a Nayeon in underwear. -Why don't you try that black dress with an open back? Sexy and elegant at the same time.

-Mh... Maybe it could be it.

She tried it on, then tried two more and went back to choosing the first one. She tied her hair up in a bun and wore pendants and a diamond necklace that her grandmother had given her. The girl put on black heels like the dress and, putting on eye-liner, matte red lipstick and purplish eyeshadow, went downstairs, having received a message from D.O., who had contacted her that morning at agency and asked for her cell phone number. Taking the shiny black pochette that she had left on the bar counter of the huge white kitchen, she went to the door and, opening it, she found herself in front of her mother and an unwelcome host.

-Are you going out?- Jieun asked her. -Have fun.

As Jieun walked back inside, Jeongyeon looked her up and down with an arched eyebrow.

-What is it?- Nayeon asked crossing her arms over her chest.

-If I didn't know you, I'd say you have a date. But who would ever bear with someone like you? Minhyuk aside.

-For your information, yes, I am dating a boy.

-Don't tell me, who is it?

-DO. from highschool.

-Ah... D.O. That playboy.

-Tsk. Look from which pulpit. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have business. He is waiting for me.- the girl said as she passed Jeongyeon.

-Go, I have to do tonight as well.

Nayeon grinned knowing her plan was working and stepped into the elevator, where she stared at herself in the mirror for a long time.

Meanwhile, Jeongyeon had written a message to Minhyuk, in which she told him that he should worry. Nayeon's ex, however, was with a girl at the time. Maybe his was just repressed jealousy. Deep down, everyone knows that if given the chance, Nayeon would have chosen D.O. to Minhyuk. It wasn't real jealousy, more pride. Minhyuk could be second to none. The girl he was talking to wasn't famous, she wasn't rich, she was crying with a drink in her hand after discovering her cheating girlfriend. It was the first time Minhyuk consoled anyone.

When Nayeon got into the car, the two said goodbye and remained silent. Perhaps it would have been strange if D.O. had complimented Nayeon, being a simple date between former classmates. The boy, however, knew it would be embarrassing to remain silent.

-Do you have news of our other high school mates?

Nayeon seemed to think about it. They were all useless people in her eyes. -I only kept in touch with Minhyuk and Tzuyu.

-And Jeongyeon.

-And Jeongyeon.- she repeated somewhat annoyed.

-It looks like you two still don't get along.

-That's right. She is...Jeongyeon.

-Jeong, you've been staring at that door for hours, what's wrong with you?- Bridgette asked her.

-What time is it?- the woman asked ignoring the question.

-Three in the morning.

-By now she should have already finished dinner.- she thought aloud.

-Who? The girl with the pink hair?- Jennifer asked. -It's strange that she didn't show up. She obviously was disappointed.

-Evidently she was busy. You'll see that she will come back.- Jeongyeon stood up from the stool. -You close.

-As if you usually do it.- Jennifer told her.

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