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After flirting around, Jeongyeon and the mysterious girl went to one of the first's hotels. There they had wasted no time and immediately the clothes had flown who knows where in that room and their bodies had begun to collide like the opposite poles of two magnets, because after all they were really two opposite poles.

Jeongyeon's strong hands tightly gripped the legs if the girl under her, and she would never give in, never beg. The one who thought she was older than her enjoyed playing with her, driving her crazy, but the other one was also full of surprises. All it took was a quick move and it was the pink-haired one who was on top. Their breaths mixed labored but not tired. The girl began to tease the male organ of the girl below her, that one part that she hadn't changed yet and maybe she didn't even want to anymore.

-So... Baby girl, you like to play, uh?

-Don't you, boss?

-I love it when you call me boss.- she whispered in her ear. -But we are not here to play.

-Oh no?

-We have to close a deal. And to do this it is necessary that my little friend meets with what you have between your legs.

No, romance is certainly not her forte, but at least she has diplomacy.

-If you want it, ask for it.- the girl on top whispered to her.

-You want it as much as I do.

-It's not exactly like that.

-Oh no?

It was time. She had practically handed her the opportunity on a silver platter. The girl looked into the eyes of the other. She looked at that lust filled gaze one last time and then she decided to have one last relation, one last time. From the next day everything would change. From the next day she would concentrate entirely on D.O. She closed her eyes and held back the tears. They were due to too much excitement, there was no other explanation. She was happy that everything ended. Yet it didn't seem so. Maybe Nayeon was, but Cotton Candy not much. After all, when she wore the wig it was as if she were another, yet they were the same person. But how do you explain that Nayeon hates Jeongyeon but "Marylin" can't help it? She had fallen victim to that girl with glittering eyes. It was her charisma that did it all. She shook her head and was awakened from her thoughts when she felt Jeongyeon thrust her organ out and let out a scream.

She lay down next to her. -This was a goodbye.- she whispered.

Jeongyeon turned to her. The lights were off, as always, and Nayeon still wore her mask. -You're going away?

-No, I'm staying here but... We won't see each other again.

-Mh. Fine.

-You are interesting, yes, but there is better.

-And yet you always came back to me.

Nayeon bit her bottom lip. -The truth is that I get bored always playing with the same prey. I need something new.

Jeongyeon let out a nasal laugh. -You know where the door is.

-Goodbye Jeongyeon.

-Yes, goodbye.


In that fire in front of her burned the pink wig, the light blue contact lenses, the black mask, the fishnet stockings and many confused memories and thoughts. Nayeon watched it until it turned off and then finally went to sleep.


-Nayeon!- Tzuyu yelled throwing open the door of her room.

It had been three days since it was all over and that Sunday the CEO intended to rest but her best friend had other plans. The girl pulled off her eye mask.

-Good morning.

-I overheard a conversation between Jeongyeon and her idiot best friend.

-Who would be mine too.

The Latina sat on the bed. -They were talking about Marilyn. Jeong seems to be upset and... I'm a little sorry.

-It's Jeongyeon, you'll see that it will go away.

-It's been three days since she's been sleeping hom.

-C'mon! It will be a coincidence.

-I wanted to teach her a lesson, not to destroy my sister.

-You're definitely exaggerating. Why don't we talk to Minhyuk about it?

Tzuyu rolled her eyes. -I already have to see him at my house...

-I'll call him and then get dressed.


-Girls, why such a hurry?- Minhyuk asked genuinely perplexed as he sat down at the bar counter of the Im house.

-It's about Jeongyeon.- Tzuyu explained. -I heard you guys talking about the girl from the club and I'm worried.

-Aww Tzuyu has a heart.

-And you won't have one anymore if you don't shut your mouth.

Minhyuk cleared his throat. -Well... She met this girl at jer club a couple of weeks ago and they started seeing each other often, ending up in bed every time they met. Three days ago I caught Jeongyeon using her favorite cologne.- He giggled. -Since when does she do it for a girl? She usually throws them away right away.

-It surprised me too that it lasted more than a week.- Tzuyu said and Nayeon was as surprised as the two.

The plan was originally to break ties after three meetings but things had gotten a little out of hand. For clarity, because it would have had more impact, not because Nayeon wanted to continue seeing her enemy.

-The day before yesterday, however, she explained to me that... Ah! I promised not to tell.

Nayeon rolled her eyes. -What? Did a girl reject her?

-Exact. You said it, not me. I'm a good friend! And she was pretty weird, so it took me a while to get it out of her and yesterday after a few drinks, she admitted that although she didn't even know her name or what she looked like, because she was wearing a mask, she was starting to get used to her. I asked her what that meant and she said she didn't know. After a couple of drinks she confessed to me that it was something unusual but, for some strange reason, that girl intrigued her and she waited for the evening just to see her.

Tzuyu swallowed her saliva. -Couldn't it be that she had a crush on her?

-That's what I'm afraid of. I don't know who she is, maybe she's just a girl who wanted revenge on Jeongyeon given the way she walked out on her.

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