chapter one

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"Are you fucking joking?!" I sighed deeply, inhaling a sharp amount of air. "Who do you think I am dad?" I stood up so fast, the chair flew back a few inches behind me. I looked at him so angry and confused.

"It's for the business Juliette, don't you understand? If you don't do as I say, we could go out of business and lose everything. Do you want that?!" My dad said, raising his voice.

My dad wants me to get involved in his dirty work.

"How can you expect me to do this? I don't want anything to do with this." I stated once again, still he doesn't seem to understand me. He stands up, and leans over his desk.

"You have no choice. You will do as I say. Unless you'd like to be living on the streets eating out of a garbage." He said to me in such a cold voice, his lips in a firm line.

I just stared at him with nothing but disgust in my face, how could he be this way? This is my dad, yet he is treating me like I'm one of his stupid fucking followers.

I turned around and started walking towards the brown door to leave, "I will come to you this evening to talk further about this, and what you will be doing exactly." He calls out before I slammed the door shut behind me.

I was so angry, never in my life would I have thought he would put my life at risk just because of some petty nemesis he has. He put so much on the line, keeping me a secret my entire life, only to put me on display all of the sudden.

"What does he even expect you to do?" My bestfriend, Mia, said on the other line on the phone.

"He wants to put me right in the middle of all this. To spy to report back to him. Like I'm some kind of fucking soldier." I rolled my eyes.

"What the fuck?! This is fucking insane Juliette! You could be killed and he's just doing this to save his ass!!" Mia said.

Mia is the only person I've ever been allowed to tell about my true story. My dad I mean. She knows me inside and out, we met years ago at a champagne party event with my dad. Her father is good friends with my dad, that kind of thing.

I've never been able to tell anybody else my dirty secret, I hate my father. I've lost out on so many things in my life because of him. He doesn't even give a shit either, that's what bothers me the most.

"I know mia. This fucking sucks, but if I don't do it we could lose everything here. I just don't know what to do." I laid back on my bed, slumped.

"You know I'm here for you no matter what. Do what feels right, you either have to accept the risk that you could lose everything at home, or accept the risk of dying. Both options suck dick, I know. I'm right by your side always Juliette." Her voice is soft and consoling, giving me all the peace that I need right now.

"I know. Thank you mia, really. I don't know where I'd be without you, even if you're kind of stupid sometimes." I laughed.

"Yeah but you love me." She replied, I could just hear her smiling.

We continued laughing together, talking with mia made me almost forget about the terrible things in my life.

It's been hours since the talk with my dad, after I got off the phone with mia, I got in my car and I've been driving around ever since.

It just sucks, no matter what I choose it's gonna suck ass. I know he's gonna force me to do it, it's not like I really have a choice. I'm just trying to accept it right now.

The possibility of dying terrifies me, I just hate my dad for this. I know he's just trying to put the family first, without him I'd have nothing. He sacrificed so much for me and my safety.

This is why I need to be mature right now, I need to do this for my family and my future. Once his enemy, Tom Kaulitz, is dead, my life can go back to normal.

Pulling into the driveway made my stomach twist. I know the second I walk through that door, it's gonna change everything.

I know eventually, I'm gonna grow to despise my dad. I'm gonna eventually hate my life, and I'm gonna be miserable.

The second I stepped out of the car, that cold air hit me right in the face. I put the key in the door and twisted it, then stepped inside.

I walked to his office where I knew he'd be, I stepped inside and his head shot up.

"I'll do it." The worried expression in his face washed away in an instant, he smiled at me.

"I knew you'd do what's right." He stood up. "I have one condition though, this is the only way I'll agree to your twisted deal." He looked at me intrigued, telling me to keep going.

"Mia is coming with me. She will be right by my side." He looked dissatisfied, although he had to have been expecting this. Mia and I do everything together.

"Deal," He smiled at me once again, "I've got everything set up for you already. The plan is set." He finished.

It's the next morning, I barely got any sleep at all last night. I called mia last night and she agreed to come along with me.

My father explained to me last night, my new name is Juliette Sullivan. The only change here is my last name. Lancaster is too well known.

He said I'd be given a new place to live, and I would be going to the viper lounge tonight, where Tom and his 'followers' are known to be.

The viper lounge is one of the most exclusive bars in Europe as far as I know. You've got to have some kind of a special title, or class, to get in. My dad got me and mia an invite.

I would be betting my in from a girl named Vivian Pierson, a close friend to Tom and the others with him. This way, I could meet Tom without being a complete stranger to the group.

From there, that's where it happens. I see what goes on inside, his plans, his decisions and ideas, then I report back to my dad and he does what he does with that information.

All I have to do, is keep my cover on and play along.



Then I can go back to my own life, it's that easy.


authors note;
- heys guys, thank you for clicking on this story! I promise, this story will be great, the plot will have many twists and turns, I can promise you that.

Stay along for the ride, I'll be uploading regularly💋

*EDITED NOV. 15 2023*

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