chapter thirty

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It's been about a week and a half since the first attack. We thought that was it, just that one, and it was gonna be over.

But of course, it's not always that easy.

Since then, in those ten days, there have been eight attacks on Tom and the boys. Someone is either shooting at them, or following them waiting for a moment of weakened where they are alone.

If one of them has to go somewhere, they all have to go. They don't go anywhere alone, and I'm not even allowed out of this house basically.

Well, I'm allowed to leave whenever I want, Tom just said he has to come with me. I just think it's better that I stay here and don't run the risk of getting us both killed.

Tom has been so busy lately, that the only time I get to see him is in the morning and at night before bed. I don't do much during the day when I'm here, they have security at the top and bottom of the driveway, and all around the property.

Mia has been coming over here a lot, she and Vivian are the only ones I see during the day when the boys are gone. I don't know where they go, but I don't ask questions. I know this is for their work, and to protect themselves.

I don't want to cause Tom any more stress that he doesn't need from me.

"What are you thinking about?" Mia's voice snaps me out of my trance.

I look at her, "Sorry. I'm just worried about Tom." I sigh. It's almost 9 pm and they are still not home. They don't make a habit of breaking their right schedule so I do find this strange.

She puts her hand on mine, "They are fine Juliette, no need to worry. They can take care of themselves, okay?" She smiles.

"I'm sure they're fine. Maybe they just got caught up longer in whatever they are doing." Vivian says as she hands us the tea she just made, fresh and warm. I take the mug in my hands and it warms me instantly.

I pull the blanket that's over me, closer to me.

"Georg hasn't told you anything still?" I ask Vivian.

She shakes her head, her face shows nothing but disappointment.

"Toms been the same way. I just hope everything is fine. Do you think they'd cancel the ball?"

"No way, they've been working on that so much and for so long. Plus, there are a lot of people who are flying out of their country just to be at this ball. It's a huge deal." Vivian says.

Oh my god. I didn't realize how big of a deal this ball is. Some people don't even live in this country attending.

"I can't wait to look sexy in front of all these international men," Mia says with a straight face.

I look at Vivian, and we laugh.

"Don't you have a boyfriend Mia?" Vivian asks.

"Yes, but still. That's not gonna stop me from wanting to look extra sexy for this ball, you should know Vivian, I will never be controlled by a man." Mia smiles, with such elegance.

I love this girl. She's everything I aspire to be in my life. So independent and confident.

Tom lays in bed, getting under the covers, My eyes are closed and I can only focus on his cold hands wrapping around my body, pulling me into his.

"You have no idea how much I've been looking forward to seeing you, Juliette " He whispers so softly.

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