chapter twenty-nine

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"Are you okay? You seem.... tense?" I walk into the room and wrap my hands around Tom's waist from behind him.

He turns around slowly, "I'm alright, just a lot to be thinking about right now. You know, with everything going on." He says, kissing my forehead gently.

I look up at him, meeting his gaze.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, just Bill giving me more to stress about for the ball."

"Why are you stressed about it? Everything's gonna be fine Tom."

He sighs, "I don't wanna talk about work right now." He smirks as he walks us both over to the edge of the bed.

Something is wrong, after that talk with Bill, he's been tense ever since. After I met back with Vivian in the living room, we were watching a movie and Tom sat with us for a while then he just got up and left.

There's something he isn't telling me and I know it, this isn't right. Something isn't right and I can feel it.

"Tell me what's wrong," I whisper softly to him. I look at him, but he's avoiding my eye.


He looks at me only then, "It's alright Juliette, trust me okay? There's just a lot on my mind." He smiles so softly. I want to help him.

"Is there anything I can do?"

His gaze changes, "I can think of something."

I caught on almost as soon as the words left his mouth. I smile.

"Lie back," I say to him, almost a whisper. My voice was so soft and gentle. His smile is so beautiful it makes me want to kiss him forever and never let go.



I don't think I've ever been turned on this fast in my 20 years on this planet. It's unreal how the second those words came out of her pretty mouth, in her sexy voice, I was turned on.

I do as she says, lying back and sitting up slightly against the headboard. She shows me her pretty smile as she climbs into my lap, putting her cleavage perfectly in sight.

She undoes my belt not looking away from my eyes for a second. I sit up further and help her pull my pants down, feeling the cold air hit me immediately.

"One second." She smiles and stands up, walking away from me. Leaving me there wanting more, needing to feel her touch, starving for it.

She walks to the door, and locks it.

She walks back to me, "I don't want anyone interrupting us this time, Tom." She says my name and I melt at her touch.

She can do anything she wants to me, and I'd watch her do it and smile.

She looks at me before she lowers herself down on my lap, leaning forward so slightly.

I look at her eyes, "You're killing me juliette, do you know that?" I say, my breathing pace quickens. She smiles so sexily before I feel her cold, wet tongue swirl around my tip.

I close my eyes, and I gasp so slightly. I feel her smile against my dick before she gets back into the action again.

She is so good at everything she does.

She's perfect. This woman does not have one flaw, not a single one.

I caress her hair gently, trying to control myself from pulling her up to my lips, I want to feel her.

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