chapter twelve

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She looks absolutely stunning, wearing that tiny little skirt, and the top that brings out her tits just perfectly.

We got in the car and drove straight to the club we normally go to. The service is great and there are so many people there.

We got inside to our reserved table and all went to the bar, I kept my eyes on Juliette. She doesn't have a nice history of being at bars alone. I think of the guy I killed for her, and the freak I had to scare away from her.

Vivian and Juliette were dancing. She's having the time of her life.

She's laughing, and she and Vivian are dancing like there's nobody else in the world, it's about her right now. She looks so hypnotizing, I can't look away. Her body, her movements, she's beautiful.

"Tom, are you gonna just keep drooling over here?" Bill says, snapping me out of my trance. "Fuck off Bill." And georg laughed, he was watching Vivian.

Gustav is upstairs with some girls drinking probably. He's always the wildest when we club. One year he got so drunk he was hung over for the rest of the trip. It was fucking hilarious.

"Have you talked to her yet?" Georg asked, snapping out of his Vivian trance this time.

The strobe lights in the club are blue.

"She doesn't want to talk to me."

"Yeah and for good reason. What the fuck were you thinking hooking up with that whore after you kissed her?!" Bill said taking a shot.

"Oh, whatever. I didn't even fuck her, I was too busy thinking about Juliette." I rolled my eyes. Bill doesn't even know what he's talking about. "Shit Tom. You really have it bad for Juliette." Georg said. I want to punch him in the face.

"You guys don't know what you're talking about."

"Tom. Give it up. We all see the way you look at her. We haven't seen you this way over somebody since... you know." Bill said.

"She fucking hates me. I doubt she will wanna talk to me right now." I said, finishing off my drink.

I need to think of some way to make her speak to me again. I'll do anything.


It's been about an hour, I'm feeling fucking miserable right now. Georg and Vivian are off dancing, bills tongue is down some girl's throat, and Gustav is nowhere to be found.

Juliette is sitting at the bar, talking to some guy. What the fuck? Who is that? I look again, he's blonde, she's... laughing?

Why is she laughing? What the fuck is he saying to her? My blood starts to fucking boil, I can feel that anger in my veins.

I want to get up and rip his dirty hands off of her. She's too pretty to be with a guy like that.

And I watch her kiss him.

My heart drops.

He wraps his arm around her waist, just like the way I did. When it was me kissing her soft lips, not this guy.

And she looks directly at me in the eyes, she knew I would be watching. She knows me too well.

And she smiled while her lips are still pressed against his. She's doing this on purpose.

She knew it would get me fucking pissed, and it worked. I stand up and start walking towards the door out of here. I need to get some fucking air and smoke.

I step outside and the cold hair meets my skin. There's nobody out here, I light up my cigarette and walk a few feet away from the door. It's sort of an alleyway, this club is a secret place. You would know it's hers from connections if you had good ones.

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