chapter eleven

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I'm laying here looking up at my ceiling, thinking about all the ways this trip could possibly go wrong.

There are so many things that could happen and I have no control over it. I hate my dad for making me become the person I never wanted to be.

But this is who I am now, a lying manipulative bitch. This is my life, I hate him so much for this. Even after this is all over, I'm staying in this apartment. Nothing could posses me to go back to living with my father.

I felt like I was slowly dying that that house. The same place where I was supposed to feel loved and at peace, where I was supposed to come home after a long day and feel nothing but acceptance and achievement when I look at my dad.

He's made me lie to everyone I love for my entire life, Mia being the only exception of course. I'm sick of this. This is not living, it's simply surviving.

It's currently 4:27 am, Vivian and georg will be here at 5 to take me to the airport. I sat up, trying to mentally prepare myself for this.

I haven't spoken to or heard from Tom since we kissed. I hate him, but I still can't stop thinking of him. That's killing me right now.

Every time I feel myself feeling sorry for just leaving him like that, I remember what he did after. Bringing that whore up to his room, he even made sure that I saw.

I walk into the bathroom and switch the light on, it instantly feels like I'm staring straight into the sun. It's so fucking bright that my eyes water.

I rub my eyes and let them adjust to the light, I took a quick shower then I brushed my teeth and wash my face. All that stuff.

I changed into a white long-sleeve with a black zip-up hoodie over it and some black jeans. We're gonna be on a flight all the way to Italy, I need to feel comfortable

I packed my suitcase last night, I brought some nice dresses, bathing suits, and plenty of other staples. I know we will be going clubbing, so I brought some scandalous outfits just for that.

I went into my kitchen and rolled my suitcase by the front door, I quickly made myself some coffee in a to-go cup, and I take a look out from the balcony. The air outside is cold almost, it's been raining a lot here I hope the weather is amazing in Italy.

It smelled of rain outside, my favorite.

"I hate waking up early, but you know I had to just for you Juliette." Mia said from behind me. I turned around and walked to her, shutting the door behind me, we're inside now where it's nice and warm.

"Miaaaa, good morning." we walked into the kitchen and she began making herself a cup of coffee, I took a seat.

"It's way too early for this shit Juliette, how do you look so good right now?!" she laughed and leaned back up against the counter. She yawned like a million times in that sentence.

"I've been up for a while." I laughed. Using the cup in my hands to warm them up.

"Well, you better send me photos of everything! You know, Italian boys are sexy as fuck!" she says, pouring her coffee into a mug.

This is Mia.

"You know I'll send you all the photos I can." we laughed.

My phone rings, "hello?" I say. It's Vivian.

"Juliette! Me and Georg are parked outside!!" she sounds so excited. I smile, "Alright, I'm coming down right now."

I get up and pour myself more coffee into my to-go cup and put my phone in my back pocket.

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