chapter fifty-three

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"He's really dead? Like there's no chance of this fucker coming back right? You made sure he's like dead?" Georg says, the three of us are sitting in georgs room.

"Oh, I'm sure. Juliette shot him right in the heart, and then she lit the house on fire. Trust me, he's not coming back." I reassure him and Bill.

I said it in such a simple sentence like it was no big deal, because I knew exactly what Juliette was capable of. I forgot that it may still surprise Bill and Georg.

"Fuck, um... Wow. Okay. That's reassuring alright." Georg curls his lips into a straight line. His eyes wide. "Okay now get off of my bed, you're bleeding onto it." He lightly shoved me off.

Oh right, I forgot all about my wounds.

"Have you talked to Juliette about what's going to happen now? After all of this, it's still not completely over. Not yet. We still have so much to do." Bill says, sinking back into georgs bed as he brings his hands to his face. He's worried, and under the circumstances, it's completely understandable.

"I haven't, but..... I will. She just needs time to think, she's been through a lot in just a few hours. She needs time, to readjust." I fold my arms together and sigh deeply.

"That's understandable, imagine what she must be thinking right now, after tonight." Georg sighs. "I can ask Vivian to talk to her, if you want. Juliette could use a friend." He finishes, raising his eyebrows slightly.

"Yeah, I think that'll be good for Juliette. I'm sure Mia will be here tomorrow too, and where's Vivian?" Bill asks, which is exactly what I was going to say.

"She was out of town, something to do with her family. I don't really know. She'll be back tomorrow, and then I talk to her and explain everything so Juliette won't have to again." Georg says, joining Bill now lying back on the bed.

I stare at the two of them for a moment, and I can't help but think about Gustav. Moments like these where it used to be just the four of us talking, it made me miss Gustav. So much.

We haven't even talked about Gustav's passing much, it was just so sudden and it still hurt so much. Even without saying it, we all knew. We knew that no matter what, nothing would ever be completely the same without Gustav.

"I'm gonna go check on Juliette, keep an eye out for any calls or emails from anybody regarding Lucian," I say to them both and leave the room.

I walked up the stairs and then into my room, I didn't see her anywhere at first. But then I heard light shuffling in my closet, so I walked over.

Juliette was standing in my closet, wearing my clothes. And I wish she would move back in with me, so I could see her like this every night.

Her wet hair falls behind her, and she just looks so beautiful like this.

She looks up, and sees me leaning against the doorway observing her, "Oh, I hope you don't mind about the clothes. None of mine are here."

"Oh, I don't mind at all, in fact..." I walk towards her, "I love it." I give her a small kiss on her forehead, my hands automatically find their place on her body.

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