chapter fifteen

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"Georg has something, Tom!" Bill ran to the balcony and told me. Immediately we ran inside to where georg was, in the study.

"What Is it?!" I said, georg turned the computer screen towards me. It was cc tv footage, from the alley where Juliette was taken from me.

"Zario found this, from the bakery across the alley, check this out." he clicked play.

I see a van pull up, and a man come out of it. And I see Juliette standing looking at Bill and me shooting, the man comes up from behind her and she struggles.

She puts up a fight though, I can see her fighting back. He threw her against the wall, she kicked him in the balls and his face.

That's my Juliette.

And he puts something over her face, then she goes limp. He drags her to the van, and throws her inside. And it speeds off.

My heart hurts watching this.

The video stops playing, yet my eyes are glued to the screen. This man. This is the man who took her and hurt her.

He will not live when I get to Juliette, I am coming after this man. I will continue to come after him until I watch him burn.

"Well? Did you see it?" Georg said, raising his eyebrows. I looked at Bill, who was just as confused as me.

"See what? See Juliette get kidnapped?!" I asked.

"No, look again Tom." He replied and are played the video, after a few seconds when the man threw Juliette in the back of the van and drove off, georg pressed pause.

"The license plate." I said. I knew we would find a way to get her back.

"Are we sure about this? Risking our lives," Gustav says, "you can't save everyone, Tom." He finishes and folds his arms.

I stand up straight and look at him, "Maybe not. But I have to try. For Juliette, I'm gonna save her."

We could trace the license plate back to an address, there was this rage building up inside me by the minute.

I can feel it inside of me, slowly moving throughout my entire body. I will not be stopped, I will have her back.

We contacted Zario immediately, it only took him a few minutes and track the address.

Of course, how could I be so ignorant?

The Reeves residence.

The Reeves family is also a well-known mafia group here in Italy. They want me, that's why they took Juliette. The eldest son, Zion Reeves, I know he is the one responsible for this.

He's been jealous of my empire for years and he doesn't hide it. He's been handed everything his whole life, I built my empire up on my own. He, however, had his build-up by his father who died 6 years ago.

What a pity. Having to leave your entire empire to a snobby 24-year-old. He doesn't know what he's done, but when I get there, I'll show him just how much he has.

He thinks this is a game, he may be right about that part. But if he thinks he can play it better than me, he needs to think again.

I grabbed my gun and the others did as well, I made sure it was loaded. And I got in my car and sped off.

The others were right behind me.

Juliette has been gone since around 4 this morning, it's now 10 pm. I can't even begin to think about what happened in all those hours when I should've been by her side, protecting her.

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