chapter eight

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I'm wakened up by loud gunshots coming from just down the hall, I try to sit up but I can't, I'm tied down.

Then I see all the blood around me, I look beside me in the bed, and Tom isn't there.

What the fuck?!

Then all in a rush, I feel the pain coming from the side of my stomach. The door bursts open, more gunshots.

Yelling and screaming, one guy points a gun at me, and within an instant, he shoots me directly in my abdomen.

It feels like a million tiny knives stabbing me over and over. The pain shot through my whole body, and I see Tom, pointing his gun, and the guy who shot me, at his head. Then he pulled the trigger. He came over to me looking so worried, he undid the ropes, "JULIETTE! It's gonna be alright, I'm gonna make you feel better. Keep your eyes open and focus on me." He picked me up in his arms.

He looked down at me, and he ran down the hallway with me in his arms. Everything is so blurry. He keeps saying my name, telling me to keep my eyes open.

He puts me inside the car, his hands are covered with my blood, and he's applying pressure on my wound with one hand, and driving with the other hand.

"Juliette-" he says before everything goes black. I'm not there anymore.

Instead, I wake up from my nightmare. I looked to my side, and Tom is sleeping so soundly.

Tom was in my dream, and he saved me.

And so close to me. He's laying practically directly behind me, so close.

My heart is pounding, I look down at my stomach, there's no wound. There are no ropes. And there's no blood.

I was having a nightmare.

I swear this is just toms bad luck, I don't remember the last time I had a nightmare. I sat up and threw my head in my hands.

Jesus fuck. I stood up and went to the bathroom, and splashed water on my face.

I came out a few minutes later and Tom was still sleeping, I stared at him for a second. He looks like an angel sleeping there.

All his sins, all that killing, and stealing, it all just washes away. He's innocent. He looks so innocent when he's sleeping. That monster inside him is dead.

then my phone starts ringing, it's Mia. "Mia? Are you okay?!" I went into the bathroom then I answered. I never told Mia what happened.

"Yes, I'm okay!! Are you?! Where are you?!!" she said so frantically. "I'm safe Mia. I'm with Tom. Something happened last night."

"Well, I just got home, and I saw blood on the floor and I got worried. I'm just glad you're okay and safe, with Tom." she said dragging toms name.

I already know where she's going with this.

"Don't even start Mia." I leaned against the counter behind me and tolled my eyes. "You spent the night with him?! Oh my god Juliette!!" she laughed.

"Mia you're sick!! We didn't do anything. He came over last night and he was hurt and bleeding, so I helped him and we thought someone might be following him, so we got a hotel." I explained.

"PLEASE tell me you guys shared a bed." she said so excited. "We didn't." I lied. She signed.

"BORINGGGG" she said finally. "Listen, Mia, I have to go. I'll be home later." we said goodbye, then I saw my dad's texts.

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