chapter sixty-five

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"This doesn't make any fucking sense," My voice echoed throughout the office, "Why would he just give us his location that easily?"

Juliette stood up from her seat and walked to stand beside me, "Isn't it obvious?" She says, "He wants to lure us in. It's a trap." She sighed.

"Okay, yeah but why would he want to trap us if he is the one who said we could work out an arrangement in exchange for—" Georg started, but quickly shut up.

Juliette sighed, "It's not a secret. You can say it, in exchange for me." Her arms folded.

"Yeah." Georg continued awkwardly, "In exchange for Juliette. So, what should we do?"

I looked at Juliette as she stood there with her arms folded and her eyebrows furrowed, I sighed before saying, "I'm getting sick and tired of this bullshit, I'm going over there now."

"Are you stupid? You're not going anywhere." Bill said, putting his hand on my chest to stop me from leaving.

"I wasn't asking for permission," I pushed his hand off harshly.

"And did you hear me ask if I gave a shit? No, you aren't leaving until we make a plan idiot." Bill retorted, nudging my shoulder.

"Are we going to make a plan, or do we have to wait for you two to stop acting like fucking children?" Georg said folding his arms and looked at both of us disapprovingly.

"Whatever," Bill and I said at the same time, then followed by the same in-sync eye roll.

"I want to help," Mia chimed in from the corner, suddenly standing up and walking over to us. "That asshole is going to pay for using me, and for this bullshit. What better way to lure him than his ex-girlfriend?"

"He's going to see right through you," I said to her blankly, bored.

"He won't. I know him, I can get inside and get you guys in. Or do you have another plan? Hm?" Mia replied, her patience already gone.

"No, but no plan is better than a shitty one that's going to get you and all of us killed."

"Okay Tom, relax. She has something we can work with. She used to live with him, surely there's a way we can get inside through her." Juliette says, now standing in the space between me and Mia.

"And where the hell is Vivian in all of this? Does she want to help or stand around?" I said.

My patience was running low, we had no plan besides one that might not even work. Juliette and I just got back from vacation and we already have this bullshit to deal with, and I'm very irritable.

"No way. She's not getting in the middle of this, I don't want anything to happen to her. She's out of the question." Georg quickly replied in her defense.

"We have to call Zario, we could use his help," Bill says, pulling his phone out.

We waited an entire five minutes which felt like an eternity for Bill to finish up with Zario, and when he finally did all of our attention went to him.

He folded his arms and leaned on the table behind him looking at us, "Well, I guess we're going to Morocco. Pack your shit, we leave first thing in the morning." He pushed off of the desk and swiftly walked out of the room.

I followed him shortly after, leaving the others to discuss in the office.

I nudged his shoulder, "That's all you have to say? Pack your shit? Are you serious? What did Zario say dipshit?"

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