chapter twenty-four

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"I don't want to go. Tell me to stay, and I'll do it." Tom says to me as we lay facing each other. We had barely just woken up a few minutes ago. I smile at the boy in front of me, his voice still so raspy, and his face still so sleepy.

"I can't, you have to go." I say, every part of me didn't want to say that, I want him to stay here with me. But there are so many things he and the other boys need to be taking care of right now.

They need to start cleaning the mess Tom made, the mess that he made for me. In desperation of finding me. Nobody has ever done anything like that for me, putting their lives on the line, and as well as the lives of so many others, all for me. I've never felt anything like for this anybody. What I feel for tom, it's unexplainable.

whenever I have these thoughts about Tom and me, there's always that voice in the back of my head, you need to tell him. you have to tell him, before he finds out on his own and never forgives you.

Even though I hate hearing it, I know it's true. I haven't even thought about it yet. It's just so much to feel and think about. It could all go wrong, it could destroy everything. If Tom doesn't forgive me, I can't go back to my dad's, I would have nothing and nowhere to go.

it would destroy the relationship and all the friendships I've built. everything.

That voice spoils every peaceful moment I have with Tom. And I hate that so much.

"It's only two days, you'll live Tom." I say after he groans and shuts his eyes. He rolls over on his back, looking at the ceiling.

"I don't want to go, I just wish the other boys could do this by themselves." He says, rubbing his eyes.

"Handle your mess? I don't think they'd be up for that." I say.

He stops, and turns his head to look at me.

"And I did it for you, our mess." He says, a thought pops into his head and he smiles.

"Oh no, Tom. What are you thinking." I say, worry in my voice. I know this isn't good.

"Our mess," he says, motioning his hand between the two of us, "Our mess! You have to come, because it's our mess. You get to help clean it up." He smiles.

I laugh out loud, and roll over. He looks shocked. "You know I'm right, juliette. This is as much your mess as it is mine." He says, and rolls over and pulls me close.

His hand tickles my side, so that I turn back to face him.

"I don't know about that. I didn't kill somebody." I say.

"It was for you Juliette, just please. Come, let's clean our mess together." And he rolls so he's on top of me.

Smiling at me.

"You aren't convincing me, so stop trying to make me nervous so you can take advantage of that." I say, smiling up at him.

"You aren't nervous?" He asks. "Then why's your heart beating so fast?" He smiles.

I look deeper into his eyes, "Cause I'm kind of turned on." I say, no hesitation in my voice.

He blinks in surprise, then he rushes in and kissed me on the lips. Sending electricity through my entire body, like it's bringing me back to life, and burning me alive all at once.

I smile against his lips, and he trails the kiss down to my neck, while one of his hands is supporting himself up, and the other is on my body.

He slips down the pants he gave me to wear, until they're at my feet and I kick them off.

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