chapter twenty-three

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Tom and I sit down at the booth, just talking about business and how much he has on his plate. I'm gonna go home with him, he said he wants to spend time with me before he has to leave.

"For how long?" I ask him, as he plays with my hand, caressing it so gently.

"Only a couple of days, 2 days. I leave tomorrow night." he says, looking into my eyes. I don't want him to leave.

"More business?" I ask. He nods slowly.

I still can't stop thinking about who that woman was, Tom was absolutely thrown off when he saw her.

"I'm gonna go get a drink, do you want anything?" I ask, beginning to stand up. "I'll come with you, I need to speak with Bill anyway." he stands up with me.

We walk to the bar and I see Vivian, Bill is with Gustav, and Tom branches off, giving me a slight smile before leaving my side to talk to Bill.

I walk to Vivian, she's with Mia. "Who the fuck was that girl? Tom is acting so strange." I ask the second I get to them. Making sure my voice was low enough to go where only the two girls in front of me could hear.

Vivian looks at Tom, now I look as well. Lucia is talking with them. She must have only just gotten there, she wasn't there before when me and Tom came down to the bar.

Vivian looks back at me, "She's the daughter of Ruben Salazar. He's like, up there, in the mafia business. She's nothing but a spoiled brat, if she doesn't like something, her daddy takes care of it for her. She doesn't know the value of hardship," she pauses, looking unsure, "and, she and Tom used to be like, involved, or whatever. I don't know much about her other than that." she says.

"What the fuck?!" Mia says.

So that's what Tom didn't want me to know, but why? If nothing is going on there anymore, then why hide something like that from me?

"What do you mean, involved?" I ask.

"Hooking up I think. It was this huge thing after Tom was done with her. She's like crazy. She made it this huge deal, but her father, Ruben, couldn't touch Tom because he's a kaulitz. That name means a lot in the mafia." Vivian tells me.

I look back to Tom, I can't see his face, but he still looks so fucking stiff.

"Why the fuck is she here if you guys hadn't heard from her in years?" Mia asks.

"I don't exactly know what her intentions are." she says.

"Do you think it's just a coincidence we ran into her here? You know, after all these years? Just a simple coincidence." I ask her.

She nods in disapproval, "I doubt it." she says.

I sit down with Mia and Vivian, and I stayed with them pretty much the rest of our time here. I don't want to seem like an insecure loser, just because Tom is talking with a girl he used to hook up with.

Now that I'm thinking about it, she and I are kind of similar. Our fathers are both involved in the same business, and we both fucked the same guy before, who also happens to be in the mafia business as well.

Lucia keeps putting her hands on Tom, laughing like something is actually funny. Fucking poser. She wants his attention so badly.

I feel bad for her. She has to try so hard to even get Tom to actually participate in the conversation. All I have to do is send him a single text, and he drops everything to come to me.

But I'm still kind of pissed.

The four of them begin walking our way now, Bill, Gustav, Tom, and Lucia. Georg joined me and the girls a while ago.

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