chapter seven

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I knocked on her door, no answer of course. I can hear the tv playing, then it stops. God this hurts so fucking bad, it doesn't help that I had to walk all the way here from across town, in the rain.

But she's in danger, if they came after me while I was alone at home, they are probably looking for Juliette too. Lucian knows her god damn name, and that she's somehow associated with us.

She opened the door and I nearly collapsed. She stood there, she's so confused. She wore a black long sleeve that fit beautiful in all the right places, and dark grey sweatpants, and her hair fell behind her.

"I didn't know where else to go Juliette," I spoke, she took me inside and locked the door behind me. I leaned back against the kitchen counter some feet away from where she let me in.

She turned back around and looked at me with so much worry on her face, who knew if she would even help me, I know she hates me. "who did this to you Tom?" she asked that simple question, her voice.

"I think it was Lucian. He had his men break into my house, I don't know how they got in, and how they knew I was alone. I killed 6 of them before I had to run."

Hell there were so many of them, there's no way I couldn't taken them out all on my own with one gun on me.

"So they're looking for you? And you can straight here?! Are you crazy?! They could be following you. Shit Tom, they could be right outside." frantically, she went over to the windows and looked down at the street, several stories below us.

she looked back at me, I was in agony. "Jesus, you're soaking wet and bleeding on my floor, come here." she motioned me to follow her.

She led me into a bathroom, and she told me to sit on the counter, and I did. She bent down and took out a kit from underneath the sink. She placed it on the counter and opened it, then she looked at me, "Where are you hurt?"


Even though I'm in so much pain right now, I can't help but think of how beautiful she looks. The way she's taking care of me?

She stood in front of me, "Open your legs a little please, it'll be easier for me." I did as she said and she stood right between them, she started wiping away the blood off me first.

I was still holding onto my abdomen, where I was stabbed. It wasn't deep, just a little pocket knife. Of course, Lucian had his men carry a pathetic pocket knife.

She looked up at me, I had been watching her the whole time. She gently placed her hand on top of mine, the one that was on my stab wound. She moved it so gently and then she lifted my shirt up so she could see the damage.

just take it off of me.


I audibly gasped, "You were stabbed, Tom!" although it didn't look so deep, it still must be hurt like hell having to walk such a far distance with.

He leaned his head back against the mirror, "No shit Juliette." and he smiled. Why is he smiling right now?

"Take your shirt off, you need stitches." I said to him, he sat up and looked at me dead in the eyes. "Take it off for me, my arm is hurting too." god he's such a liar.

Then I reached for the bottom of his black shirt, and I pulled it up slowly. He helped me a bit, he squinted his eyes a bit. Probably from the pain.

I threw the shirt on the empty counter space beside us, and here he his.

Tom Kaulitz, sitting in front of me, needing my help, without a shirt. I can see the bruises on him more clearly now.

I went back to the kit and pulled out the supplies I needed to give him stitches, luckily I'm highly trained in this area. My dad had me learn all the medical basics in case there was an emergency that he needed my help, or if I needed to help myself.

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