chapter twenty-two

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Tom still hasn't answered, it has been like 20 minutes and I've lost all hope that he would just pick up his phone and answer me.

It's driving me crazy by the fucking second.

I get up angrily and go back inside, Mia is still in the shower. I think I got up so fast when I was on the balcony, the chair that flew back may have broken the glass door.

I laid down on my bed, and shut my eyes. Trying to control my breath evenly, that made me fall asleep faster whenever I did it.


I pick up my phone to see toms name, I open the conversation.

im outside

He didn't answer me because he was coming to me.

I got up and slipped on my shoes, I opened the bathroom door, "Mia I'm gonna go out for a bit, I'll be back soon." I said.

Not waiting for a reply, I shut the door and practically ran to the elevator.

I was in the elevator for what felt like forever.



The second Juliette texted me, I got in my car and drove to where she is. Vivian told me she and Juliette moved out of their apartment.

Somethings not right, I can feel it deep inside.

Then I see her, Juliette coming out of the lobby doors.

I wait standing outside my car, smiling at her so slightly. She rolls her eyes and walks up to me, she grabs hold of my belt, and pulls me closer to her. Before pressing her warm lips onto mine.

I explode.

It's been killing me not to be able to see her. Just to hear her voice once. There's so much shit going on, I didn't have time to go see her.

It's dangerous. Dangerous how quickly I dropped everything to drive here, to see her. All it took was a text saying that she wanted to see me, and I dropped everything to come see her.

"Tell me what's wrong." I say to her. She stands in front of me, still holding me close my by waist, under my hoodie.

She looks up at me, her eyes glistening in the moonlight, making her look even more beautiful.

"Everything's falling apart. I can't help it." she says, and I want to set the world on fire for making her feel this way.

I'd do anything just to make all her worries go away forever.

Seeing her this way makes me feel weak, she's desperate. Something is just wrong.

I pull her into me, wrapping my arms around her. She melts.

I want so badly to just stay like this forever. But I can't.

"Why didn't you tell me what's been going on?" she says to me, pulling back so she can look at me.

I know exactly what she's talking about. Vivian can't keep her fucking mouth shut. Of course, she had to tell juliette what's been happening. I didn't want Juliette to be stressed over this.

I know she feels like she's carrying this weight over her shoulders, and that she feels like this is all her fault. What I did to Zion, and how many people we killed just to get her back.

But it's not. We made those decisions all on our own. At our own free will. Yes, it was for Juliette, we knew the risks.

"I didn't want you to worry." I reply. She can see right through me.

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