chapter sixty-four

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I wake with a slow start, met with the sun that leaked into the room.

After we got out of the shower last night, Tom and I dried off and then crawled into bed and passed out. Exhausted and tired, of course.

I clung to the dark silk sheets wrapped around our bodies, giving my eyes time to adjust to the light as I felt the cool morning breeze creep against my skin from the window.

I have no idea what time it is.

Tom's body is wrapped around mine, one of his arms under my head and the other draped over my waist. The weight of his arms brought me a sense of security and comfort—that made me never want to move.

I know we should probably get out of bed and start packing our things back up and heading home, but I'm still living in last night.

He proposed to me. He promised his life to me. I still somehow can't wrap my mind around the fact.

I've never been more ready for anything in my life, Tom was right when he said this would make us unstoppable.

Lucian Lancaster's daughter, marrying his greatest public enemy? That's going to cause havoc and nonetheless give power to us because of it.

I sigh, hating to wake him up—he looks so peaceful—and I turn around to face him, slowly, in his arms.

He only holds on tighter.

He shifts so that his chin rests on my head; my face is now pressed gently against his throat, and I breathe him in, running my hands along the strong, deep lines of muscle in his arms.

Everything about him feels raw. Powerful.

There's something both wild and terrifying about his heart, and somehow, knowing this only makes me love him more. I trace the lines of his shoulder blades and the curve of his spine.

He stirs, but only a little, and buries his face in my hair, breathing me in whole and inhaling deeply.

He groans gently, making me smile just watching him.

I place a soft kiss on his throat since it's the only place I can reach, "Tired?" I ask him. And in response, I only get a nod with his eyes half open.

"It's too bright in here, I'm losing my vision." He groans again quietly.

"How terrible, you can't go blind before our wedding. That would be unfortunate." I joke, finally earning a tired chuckle from him and a kiss on the forehead.

I shift slightly and he stiffens, holding me closer, "Don't go." He whispered to me in a raspy morning tone.

I tilt my head, and gently kiss the column of his throat, "Tom," I whisper, "I don't plan on going anywhere."

He sighs and says, "Good."

I smiled, "But we should probably get out of bed soon. We have to pack and head back home today."

He shakes his head, barely. Making a disapproving sound in his throat.


"Not yet," He says and helps me turn around. He hugs me close again, my back pressed firmly against his chest. His voice was soft, deep with desire and warmth as he spoke, "You feel so good. Let me enjoy you before we get up."

And I simply give in, melting back into his arms.

I love moments like these the most. The quiet mornings. The peace. The weight of his arms, the feel of him, his bare body wrapped around mine.

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