chapter thirteen

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A million thoughts are going through my head right now. My mind is a mess. I'm beginning to panic.

How did he find us?

I know I said I was gonna send him my location, but I was just furious at that moment. I never actually got around to doing it.

Tom must've noticed my sudden panic. My heart is absolutely pounding right now. I feel his thumb on the side of my head, directly on my temple.

He rubs his thumb slowly back and forth, attempting to calm me down. We are so close right now, he could probably feel my heartbeat pattern.

I shut my eyes slowly, it's working.

I open them again a few seconds later, and I look up at him.

This is what I hate about him. I could go from hating him, to feeling so safe around him in an instant. That's so dangerous.

We both noticed that the voices seemed to get further and further away. Tom looked out one last time, and decided it was clear, he took my hand in his free hand that wasn't holding the gun, and we ran quietly to the door. It was the only one that didn't make a sound when you open it.

He opened it slowly, and he put me in front of him so I was out first.

He quietly shut the door behind himself, and that's when they started. The rounds of endless gunshots.

They saw us. They must've seen Tom or heard us open and shut the door.

He looked at me, "I need you to run with me." And he took my hand and we ran. We ran so fast away from the shots. I could see bullets pass me, so close to hitting me.

Tom and I run, all the way down the driveway. There must be at least 5 people shooting at us, from all directions. My lungs burn, like there's a fire starting inside me. But I can't stop running, Tom and I need to keep moving.

We hear a screeching car come to a sudden stop in front of us, it's Bill's car. Tom opened the back door quickly and I jumped in first then him behind me, before he had time to shut the door, Bill sped off.

Tom and I are both out of breath. We barely got away, but we did it together. I matched his strides and we stayed together.

And he didn't let go of my hand once.

He leaned over and began searching me, "are you hit anywhere?!" He asked so urgently. "I'd think I'd know if I was shot right?" I said suddenly looking at my own body. I could've been shot and wouldn't have even known because of all the adrenaline.

Tom laughed, "You're fine Juliette." He says between breaths.

"Can someone please tell me what the fuck just happened?!" I asked.

Something felt good knowing that Tom risked his life for me. He came and got me, he could've left me there to die, but he didn't. He came back for me, when we were running from the people shooting at us from all directions, I felt so much at once.

There was so much adrenaline rushing through my entire body, and knowing Tom was right by my side for all of it, made me feel something for Tom. I can't exactly describe it, but all I know is that I want to feel it again.

"Lucian found us again somehow. I was awake in the living room, when I heard some noise outside so I got up, and I saw a van pull up outside, then I saw his men come out with guns. So I ran and told Gustav, georg, and Vivian, but I didn't have enough time to run upstairs and tell you and Tom. So I called him and told him." Bill said while speeding.

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