chapter three

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last night, we exchanged contact info with Vivian, we really hit it off and I actually enjoyed it. She's so kind, i think I'd like to have her as a close friend. But I remind myself that can't happen, this is only temporary.

After we left the lounge, me and mia came home and talked about what happened and how we should approach the situation now. To get closer to them.

Vivian invited us over to their house tonight, for a party with just close friends. Perfect, "did Vivian say what we should wear tonight?" I shook my head, grabbing my keys off the counter. Mia was sitting in the living room drinking her coffee.

I was off to meet with my dad and tell him about last night.

"I'll be back mia, I have to meet with my dad." She nodded, "good luck Juliette!" She said and waved at me and I smiled and shut the door behind me.

"How did last night go, were they there?" He asked, we were sitting in his study. "It was well, we made friends with Vivian, and I met them. You didn't tell me they were my age dad. You're enemy is really a guy that's half your age?" I sat back and crossed my arms.

"Excellent. Never judge a book by its cover, juliette. I thought I taught you this by now," he rolled his eyes, "He may be young, yes. But you don't understand, he is cruel. One of the most feared bosses for a reason Juliette. He is trying to overthrow me remember? He dosent like competition and will do anything to get rid of me. That's why you're on the inside for me, so I learn his soft spot and can easily take him out."

"I get it dad. There's gonna be a party tonight at their house, me and mia were invited by Vivian."

He smiled at me and leant back, throwing his head back in joy. "You're doing quite well, remember we meet once a week and call me every night with updates if any, now, I have a meeting to attend. Have a good day Juliette." He got up and fixed the button on his suit, opening the door for me.

I stood up and left the study, I went up to my room and grabbed some clothes and other stuff I forgot to bring.

Vivian texted us the address and what time to be there, at 9pm. It's now 7pm and we were gonna leave around 8:45 to be at least a little late. It's never good being the first at a party.

The nerves inside me were starting to become more intense, I am going to be inside his house tonight.

Of course last night when we got home, mia teased me about that conversation I had with Tom. Not really conversing with each other, just rude comments really.

There's no reason for mia to even mention that, I was thrown so far when those words left her mouth. I almost laughed out loud, a killer? Mia thinks I'd look good partnered up with a filthy mafia boss who kills for fun? No thanks.

"Alright, I'm thinking of just going casual. What do you think?" She came from around the corner showing me her outfit.

"Oh my god mia! That's not casual at all." I laughed, she was wearing a lacy corset with leather pants and heels. She rolled her eyes and went back into her room to change.

I'm looking through my closet now, who knew picking and outfit could be so hard. I decided just to call Vivian.

"Hello?" She answered. "Hey Vivian, it's Juliette."

"Oh yes! So are you and mia able to come tonight, I sent you the address!" I could hear males talking in the back. "Yes, I was just wondering what should we wear? Is it like a casual thing?"

She said "oh yeah, super casual, nothing fancy! I'm sure you'll look great Juliette, I'm just wearing jeans and a top for example." She laughed.

"Oh okay, thanks Vivian. See you tonight!" I replied also laughing back, "cant wait!" She said. We hung up then I picked out an outfit.

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