chapter twenty-five

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Last night that talk with Bill really threw me off, I don't exactly know why it affected me so much. But there was just something about it that just felt off.

I've been awake for a while now, Tom is in the shower and everyone else is getting ready for their first meeting with a group of their allies I think. All I know is that it's a group of some people that hold power here I guess.

I got dressed and ready, I'm just sitting here thinking about that conversation still.

I don't know how I'm supposed to tell Tom who I really am, and how to avoid this entire mess that could come out of it. And to be quite honest, even just thinking about it makes me want to jump off a cliff.


"Ready to go?" Tom asks me, I turn around and he walks towards me. I stand up to meet him halfway, "Think so." I say.

He smiles at me and takes my hand in his as we begin to leave the bedroom.

We take a seat in the kitchen across from each other and try to eat something so we won't be starving.

"What exactly am I supposed to do while you're in that meeting? Wait in the car or-"

"You're coming inside with us, it's just safer than waiting in a car alone. It's gonna be alright Juliette, no need to worry." He says, cutting me off mid-sentence.

I don't know who could be in that meeting, but it so doesn't sound exactly the safest. I know nobody in that meeting would recognize me and Juliette Lancaster, I've never been seen publicly with my father under that name.

At least I think so anyway.

My dad always made sure to keep my safety and privacy a top priority. It still feels weird that a man I've known my entire life is no longer a part of it anymore. I don't allow it, and I don't miss it.

"What's wrong?" Tom asks me, I look up to him.

"Nothing. I'm just a little tired." I say and smile lightly at him, reassuring him that I'm fine.

He gets up from his seat and walks towards mine, he reaches his hand out slowly, and pulls my chair back a little. He lowers himself and kneels in front of me, resting his arms on my thighs and his fingertips wrap around my waist.

He looks up at me so softly, "I know it all seems a little much, and scary, but I promise everything's gonna be fine. The meeting will not last long, and I'll be right by your side for all of it." And he smiles, giving me a glimpse of hope.

I smile at him, I wasn't scared or nervous about this at all. But seeing him try to comfort me thinking I was, was bittersweet.

I wrap both of my hands around his face, and pull him up to meet my face. I kiss him so gently, yet so passionately. We pull back and he stands up, reaching a hand out to me. I take his hand and he pulls me into him, wrapping his arms around me entirely.

"Let's just get this over with." I say to him, and he chuckles.

We pull away, just as the other boys meet us in the kitchen.

"Ready to go?" Georg says.


The car ride wasn't that long, maybe 45 minutes. Tom kept his hand on mine the entire ride, caressing it and rubbing his thumb in small circles.

I don't even know what this place is called where we are. It's just beautiful, clouds covered the sky, and the air was cold enough to make you shiver if you step into it.

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