chapter ten

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Tom Kaulitz just fucking kissed me, I feel sick to my stomach right now.

I pulled away so fast, our faces only inches apart, his eyes. They're trying to tell me something, his lips are parted, and his eyebrows are furrowed.

I know I should be feeling angry, and disgusted, but I feel the opposite of that right now. It feels so different. This Tom is different, he wants me.

I looked at his lips, then back at his eyes.

And I can't stand it, all this tension building up, how I've been feeling about him recently. It's all sending a rush through my entire body, and I press my lips against him again.

Feeling his cold lip ring on my lips, that sent a shock to my core. Goosebumps.

This feels so wrong, but at the same time so fucking right. We're kissing so desperately for each other, out of breath.

He slides his hand around my waist, pulling me closer into him, his eyebrows are furrowed like he wants more.

I've never kissed anyone like this before, there's something so addicting to this moment. Doing something that we know shouldn't be happening, and accepting that risk.

We're both so wrong for each other. He's a part of the damn mafia, killing people is like his job. And I was sent here to help get him killed. Complete opposite.

My hand is on the back of his head, I need to be closer, somehow if that's even possible.

We went back inside his room, not breaking the kiss. So eagerly, he took his hoodie off throwing it behind him on the floor. Our lips are still attached.

He tastes so sweet.

My mind is racing, this can only lead to more problems. There's no good coming from this, but I can't stop. It feels almost impossible to pull away.

"Juliette-" he says, between our kiss.

And his voice, it snaps me back into reality, what I'm really doing. I don't care.

"We shouldn't be doing this." I say, but he pulls me closer instead of away. We're so hungry for each other. This is so wrong.

His hands are all over me now, his strong hands.

"Tom have you seen the-" a voice comes from the now open bedroom door. Tom and I pulled away from each other so fast, almost within the blink of am eye.

Bill stood in the doorway, staring. His mouth was wide open, "Oh! Sorry!" and he shut the door.

This was a sign, this never should've happened. God, I'm so stupid, what was I thinking?!

I looked back at Tom, he was already looking at me. There's nothing to say.

"This was a mistake. I'm sorry I should go." I said and started walking towards the door. I can't turn around, I know ill feel like shit seeing him standing there.

I left before he could say anything. I shut the door behind me, and went into the hall bathroom.

Holy fuck.

I need a minute to catch my breath, my heart is pounding. My legs always feel weak, like they're about to give out on me.

I lean against the counter with my arms in front, holding me up.

How could I do this? This fucks everything up. God this is gonna change so much. I wish I could just forget that entire thing. I went up there to confront him, but it ended up with us making out and almost having sex right there on his bed?!

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