chapter fifty-four

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I kiss him back, moving my tongue past his lips and letting it glide against his. He groans into my mouth, and his large hands touch me everywhere in an attempt to claim my body as his own.

Before I can give it any more thought, he picks me up, my legs wrapped around him. I hold onto him, wrapping my arms over his shoulders as his lips find my neck.

His hands wrapped firmly under my thighs when he picked me up, his lips never leaving mine once.

I lean to the side, allowing more of him. As he pulls me closer to him, I feel every inch of him pressing through his pants.

Heat and lust drowned the air, instantly.

His mouth claimed mine once more, and I was so lost in his kiss, his scent, his touch that I didn't notice we'd moved until my back hit the wall behind us.

"Tom?" I breathed.

"Hmm?" He pulled my bottom lip between his teeth and bit lightly before chasing away the sting with his tongue. The goosebumps spread from my scalp, all the way down until they tangled into my soul.

"Don't break my heart again."

Tom's face softened. "I won't. Trust me, baby."


"I do." It was the truth. I trusted him right now more than I ever thought I would again, we're finally us again. Just the way that I wanted, we finally have it.

His hands are in my hair, and the kiss grows more desperate. Like we've been starving for each other. He kisses me like he has been starved, and like I was the oxygen he needed to breathe.

I open my mouth more, his tongue grazing mine, fighting for control. A low grumble escapes his throat, only making me feel even weaker than I already do.

"Fuck," He whispers as I slowly rub my hand against him.

He walks us over to the edge of his bed, and he places me down carefully. Like I was a piece of fragile glass, or even a trophy.

But before he met my lips once more, he stood at the foot of the bed while I was waiting for him, and he reached into the back of his waistband.

He takes the gun out and places it on the nightstand, and then he comes straight for me. Eagerly, and it only made me more excited.

His lips crash into mine, his hands digging into the back of my neck.

Oh my god.

His aggressive touch sends chills through my body. His lips are soft, but his kisses beg for more. I wrap my arms around his shoulders, pressing my body against his, while he lowers his body closer to mine.

I'm still sure not to be so rough, in the case that I could hurt him.

"We have to be extra quiet now Juliette." His voice hoarse and quiet, "Can you do that for me?" His breath hovers over my exposed neck.

I nod slowly, "Yes, yeah I can do that." We are both already breathless when we speak, "Can you?" I question.

He smirks, "Barely." His eyes say so much to me with this one word he speaks. I smile.

I sit up and reach for the hem of the shirt I'm wearing to pull it off, but he takes over and does it for me.

He pulls my pants down my legs past the ankles, and tosses them to the side on the floor. And in only a matter of minutes, I'm stripped almost completely naked only wearing my bra and underwear, while he remains only wearing his pants.

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