chapter twenty-one

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I left my dad's house and I've been walking for at least 20 minutes to get as far away from my dad as I can.

I called Mia and she's on her way to come get me.

We're gonna have to go straight back to the apartment and pack up everything we need. All of our clothes and other things we need. We're leaving behind all the furniture, and the keys.

I haven't explained everything to Mia yet, she's probably so fucking confused as to why I asked her to pick me up when I drove here on my own.


"What the fuck happened?!" Mia said and I took a seat in the passenger side of her car. I sighed and looked at her as I began to put my seatbelt on.

"So, my dad tried to put me on another deal. That in 2 months Tom and the others would be dead with or without me, whatever the fuck that means, and that after that, he would move him and me across the country under new identities." I said, her mouth hung open.

"So I said, no fuck you, and then he said if I don't agree he was gonna cut me off from everything, the money, the apartment, and the car, so I said, no fuck you, and I threw my car keys at him. So we have to go home and pack up all our clothes in suitcases and we're homeless." I said, waiting for a response.

She's speechless.

"Mia please don't be mad, you know I can't agree to another deal that would literally ruin my life." I said.

She looked at me, "Juliette, of course, I'm not mad! I'm glad you did this, fuck your dad!! It's like he's trying to ruin your life on purpose, and we don't need anything from him. I'm with you on this." She smiles.

"I love you, Mia." I say, she understands me completely. I love her so much and I owe her everything.

"you know I love you more Juliette. Let's just pack up the things we need and get a hotel for the night-" she begins to say. "Mia, I have no money." I say.

"I can pay Juliette, your dad can do jack shit with my money." And she laughs. I smile at her. I was in such a bad fucking mood, but of course, she made me feel a little less shitty.


"Jesus! Who knew packing clothes into suitcases could be so exhausting!" Mia yelled between breaths from her room, across the hall from mine.

I laugh to myself, "Are you done yet?" I yell back so she could hear me. "Almost!" She says.

I finished 5 minutes ago.

I got up and walked to mia room, she was sitting there trying to close her suitcase. I laugh.

"Okay Mia, you sit on it, and I'll work the zipper." I say walking towards her. She nods and thanks me.

Mia and I struggle for a good five minutes. She just packed her suitcase so much it's not closing.

We finally get it shut and roll our suitcases to the door. We go to the balcony and look out at the city. Regulating our breaths.

"Are you ready to be homeless?" I ask her.

"If it means we don't have to worry about your dad, then yes. I'm so fucking ready." She says.

I don't exactly know what's gonna happen to us. Where are we gonna live, I don't have any money of my own anymore and I don't have a job.

I have no experience in that area because I've never had to worry about money, but everything is gonna be so different now. My life is changed.

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