chapter thirty-six

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It's been almost a whole week, well 4 days, and Juliette still hasn't woke up. It's killing me, knowing that there's absolutely nothing I can do to help her.

I haven't left her side at all, I haven't stepped foot out of this hospital since I came here the first night I found out about the accident.

I've been sleeping on this chair the entire time and my back is killing me, I've been showering in this bathroom and bill brings me clothes and stuff I need because I just refuse to leave her here alone.

I sit right beside her in this chair all day just waiting to see her open her eyes. To hear her say my name, or just to her her scream at me. I just need to hear her voice.

The only thing I've been doing is talking to her, even though she can't even hear me i still do it. I can't even fathom how many times I've apologized to her, explained everything to her and why I did what I did, and how much I love her.

I wake up so many times in the middle of the night to make sure she's still breathing, it just terrifies me that I could wake up one night, and I could see her not breathing anymore.

Nobody really has the courage to talk about what happened to Gustav yet. It's just too soon I think. Everybody is still hurting so much.

His funeral is in 2 days.

I don't want to think about that right now.

Everyone comes to visit Juliette often, especially mia, she comes everyday.

She's here now, sitting on the bed next to Juliette, whenever she's here, she stays for a few hours most of the time.

"Can I ask you something?" She speaks to me, I look up surprised to hear her talking to me. Usually whenever she's here, she hardly says much to me.

I nod my head, and she sits up so she's facing me now instead of Juliette.

"That night, of the accident, what happened?" She says in a low voice, like she's afraid of my response.

I look down at my hands in my lap for a moment, "It doesn't matter what happened that night. Juliette and I just got into a.... disagreement." I look up and she's narrowing her eyes at me like she doesn't believe me.

She just stares at me for a while. She waiting for me to crack, or to reveal any hint that I might be lying. Her eyes narrow and she beginning to say something, then she stops herself.

"You know don't you? That's why she didn't go home with you that night." I freeze.

I don't say anything. Not because I choose not to say anything, but because I don't know what to say. I knew that mia was in on it too, but this is the first time I've heard someone else say it to me, out loud to my face.

That I knew about the deal the whole time.

Realization washes over her face within a few seconds. "I want to hear you say that you know." She said in a rude voice.

"I know. Okay? I fucking knew. Lucian Lancaster is her father and I know about that plan too. Are you happy?" I straighten out in my seat and she stands up.

"Listen, whatever happened that night is between you and Juliette. But please, hear her out. She wasn't doing the deal the entire time, and I think she was mad at herself because at some point, she fell in love with you." She says calmly to me. She smiles slightly with her lips closed, and she wraps her purse over her shoulder and leaves the room.

She shut the door quietly and left me there questioning everything. I really messed up, Juliette isn't ever gonna forgive me.

All I wish for, is that when she wakes up, she'll hear me out.

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