chapter twenty-six

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We finally exit the building and that cold air feels like a splash of water on my face. I don't know what the fuck happened back there.

But I don't regret it.

As soon as I walked in that room, and saw how the instant I did and they all pointed their guns at an unarmed female who was alone, I knew they were all just a bunch of pussies.

Honestly, I think I only said what everyone else was thinking.

If these are the kind of men that they call allies, I really think they should find new ones. This business that they run would be a lot more stronger if the allies really stood for and supported its owners.

Don't get me wrong, this economy they built up is amazing. Breathtakingly successful and just astounding, but I can only imagine how much further they would get if their allies weren't such pussies.

"Oh my fucking god Juliette!! That was amazing. You need to be coming with us for all of these meetings now." Bill says as he wraps his arms around me, pulling me away from Tom.

"I didn't think she had it in her." Gustav says and jokingly hits my arm. He and georg laugh.

Classic Gustav.

"I didn't just fuck over and ruin your Allies here did I?" I ask Bill. He looks shocked, "You most certainly did not, if anything, you only made them more loyal by putting them in their places like that." Bill says to me, his arm still wrapped over my shoulder as we walk back to the cars.

"The look on their faces was so fucking funny. Worth every bit." Georg says.

"Exactly, because they knew you were right Juliette," Bill adds, with a smile over his face.

I look at Tom, who is just smiling at me.

We all finally get back to the cars, and part ways as they all get in their own cars.

I walk up to Tom who is already at the car, he's leaning against it just smirking at me.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Data analyst?" He says before I feel his warm hands wrap around my waist. He pulls me closer until I feel his breath on my skin.

I feel one of his hands cup around my face and he presses his lips on mine. The cold air only made his lip piercing even colder. It gives me goosebumps almost immediately.

He pulls back, our faces still inches from each other, and he smiles.

We stare into each other's eyes, like we're looking for something more. Something deeper.

The beauty of silence.

"It's the first thing I thought of, and they believed it," I say, and he smiles. That beautiful smile is enough to make me believe me and Tom could have a real future together. One where he knows who I really am, and where he loves me for me.

He kissed me and I feel like it was enough to put me into cardiac arrest for life, we pull away and get into the car to follow after the others.


"How about this? Can you make this?" I pull out a box of pasta from the cabinet. He thinks for a second, "I can manage." He says and takes the box from me.

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