chapter forty-four

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We finally get here, and this place looks so fucking familiar, but I can't pinpoint it exactly.

It looks like a normal building on the outside. Nothing strange or abnormal about it, but I can only imagine the horrors that are happening inside.

It makes my blood boil.

The three of us move in quiet, stealthy moves. It doesn't feel real, but it's happening. My heart is beating too fast, I think it might actually just stop entirely.

Nightfall has already come, you could barely even see us because we camouflaged into the darkness of the night with our black clothes.

We have people all around this building, armed with guns and ready to kill anybody, from Zario.

They're waiting, until we need them, and to kill anyone who tries to escape thinking they've gotten away with what they're doing to Tom.

I can't see a single one of them though, they're hidden.

We've only now come up the the side of the building, I've never been more anxious in my life. My bones feel like they might just shatter.

"Tom is so fucking out of his mind for this," Georg whispers while clutching onto his gun.

Bill turns to georg, who's standing behind me, he has a finger over his lips, "Shhh!"

Georg throws his hands up in surrender, mocking Bill. I crack a smile, even though this is the absolute worst time to be smiling.

We finally reach a window, Bill looks inside first.

"It's one man, but I can't see the rest of the room from this angle, I think we can take them." He whispers.

"Wait—" I say. "We can't just run in there and make a bunch of commotion. We need to be smart about this."

"So what do you expect us to do?" Georg says.

"To be smart, georg. To be quiet, and to not let everyone else in this building find us coming in and then corner us before they kill us all." I say.

"How do we get inside then?" Bill says.

I remember my motto, the one I live by. The one that's gotten me out of such tight situations.

Seduce and destroy.

"Wait here until I let you know when to come in," I say as I tuck my gun into my waistband to hide it, but still giving me a quick way to grab it in case I need it. I run my fingers through my hair slightly, and fix my bra.

"How will we know when to come in?" Georg says, looking at me as confused as ever.

"About the time when you hear screaming or gunshots," I say, and then I walk over to the door a few feet away from the window.

Please be unlocked, I pray.

I bring my hand to the knob, and I twist it. And to my surprise, it opens. Typical men.

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