chapter forty-nine

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I couldn't get much sleep last night, with all of the needles and tubes attached to me, and the nonexistent space the others would not give me, they still thought I was fragile or something so they still took turns watching over me for the rest of the night.

I had to literally bribe georg to leave the room, to let me sleep in peace. And still after all of that bribing, I only slept 4 hours.

It's now 8 am, and sitting up hurts me everywhere. God these fucking needles are so uncomfortable, and so one by one, I ripped them out of me.

I didn't know it would make the machine make a loud fucking alarm, I thought my eardrums actually burst for a second.

And of course, not even a second later, Bill and georg ran into my room thinking I fucking died or something.

"Really guys? I'm not dead, relax." I scoff and Bill puts his hand over his heart and his breathing is out of control at this point.

Georg rolls his eyes and walks out of the room.

"Oh my god Tom!" He says, walking closer to the machine and looking at all of the needles I ripped out. "Why did you take these out? They're helping you!"

"Bill, I'm fine. I don't need to be hooked to a machine." I say, yet he doesn't look fully convinced. "I'm fine. I promise." I barely show him a weak smile.

He narrows his eyes for a few moments, "Alright, okay fine." He sighs. "Do you need anything before I go?" He asks me, halfway to the door.

I shake my head, and turn to start walking out of my room.

"Wait—" I call out. He turns around quickly.

"Yeah?" He says.

"Can you tell Juliette to come here, please?"

"Yeah, I'll go see if she's awake."

Once Bill leaves, I stand up, even though it hurts, and I walk to the bathroom.

This is the first time I've seen myself.

I look like a fucking Halloween decoration, what the fuck is this?

There are bruises all over my abdomen and my back. Pretty much all over my whole upper body. There are bandages covering the wounds that were open, some of them have blood that bled through.

The slashes from the whips are clearly visible.

And my wrists, they're red and bruised as well. The rope that Lucian used to hang me from the ceiling was so rough it broke through the skin on my wrists.

I don't know how long it's been since I've eaten, but that's the least of my worries right now.

I shut off the light in the bathroom, I couldn't bare to look at myself for another second in that mirror. It's horrendous.

I walked over to the side of my bed and picked up all of the tubes, making sure the needles were still attached to them, and moved them off of my bed, and just threw them on my dresser.

"Tom?" Vivian pokes her head into my room.

I look up and see her, "Yeah?"

"I'll bring you up some food, I know you're starving. Any preferences or anything you need?" She asks, still only half of her body is in my room.

I think for a moment, "Anything is fine. Just tell Bill to hurry up." I say. She nods and then closes the door.

Fuck, I still haven't even thought about Lucian. I know he's still out there, lurking around like some psychopath.

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